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文学院 & 信Department of 历史

Explore our 项目

The study of history is central to a liberal arts 教育, and provides students with the insights and analytical skills useful to understanding our contemporary world. The history major at Old Dominion University prepares students for careers in government service, 法律, international trade, 教育, NEWS, 以及其他领域. 历史 majors from ODU have gone on to the Ph.D. in history as well as related fields in the humanities and social sciences. Many of our history majors have become exceptional teachers.

Please feel welcome to explore the various links on this web site for further information about the history program, and to communicate with our faculty members about your interests and plans.

Batten 艺术 and 信 Bldg 15

本科 2023-2024 本科 Electives


I came to ODU as a transfer student...I did well in my history courses and was encouraged by some of my instructors to consider getting a graduate degree.

yuel Yanikdag, M.A. '94

Associate Professor

University of Richmond

部门的消息 & 事件

出国留学 - 历史 Department - Senegal

Students Share Their Experiences on 出国留学

Students shared their study abroad experiences with the ODU community. Students Karis Adam, 艾琳·阿瑟罗, 本•鲍曼, 美国莱恩。福克斯, 罗伯特Suchyta, Jen苏亚雷斯, Matthew Ward and Ethan Weber discussed their time in France and Poland. (更多)


Experience Guaranteed

Enhance your college career by gaining relevant experience with the skills and knowledge needed for your future career. Discover our experiential learning opportunities.


Picture yourself in the classroom, speak with professors in your major, and meet current students.


From sports games to concerts and lectures, join the ODU community at a variety of campus events.