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Our Shared Commitment

WGSS students and faculty

The 女性's and Gender Studies dep艺术ment fosters not only knowledge in a vibrant field of study, but it also connects students' lives to relevant issues and experiences far beyond the university. A degree in 女性's and Gender Studies provides a foundation to think critically, apply knowledge to a range of "real world" conditions, and develop a spoken and written voice that transfers into a range of opportunities. Our students are able to develop core areas of concentration by designing a curriculum that reflects a range of interests, including media studies, 性取向, international relations, 哲学, social activism, 艺术, visual studies, human services, and public policy.

女性's and Gender Studies draws from a diverse community support organization with ties to professional networks across all these areas of focus. Our faculty mentor students closely in building these areas of concentration and pursuing their passions. With our distinct 10-year service-learning focus, students have even traveled to South Africa, 海地, 卢旺达, 塞内加尔, and Nepal to study distinct social, 政治, environmental and economic landscapes, and their relationship to women's and girls' lives. Throughout Hampton Roads, we offer focused internship and service-learning opportunities that build a portfolio of experiences to complement the classroom. Through this approach to education and outreach, our graduates repeatedly attest "女性's and Gender Studies changed my life."