About Us

About Us

The Old Dominion University Police Department is a full service, 国际认可和国家认证的警察机构致力于为大学社区成员和主校区附近的同时巡逻区域的居民提供专业的警察和安全服务. ODU警官在该州的一所地区刑事司法学院接受培训,与来自各个地方市政当局的警官一起接受培训. Officers regularly receive additional training designed to improve their skills, knowledge, and abilities, to enhance effective communication, provide police services, and investigate crimes. ODU police officers are sworn, full-time officers that have the authority to effect arrests for violations of law, occurring on and off campus. 

本系积极处理与安全有关的问题,并教育我们大学社区的成员,了解他们在维护安全校园环境中的作用. The University’s main campus is known to be safe; however, it is in an urban area not completely free from criminal activity. 鼓励校园社区成员在做出可能影响其人身安全的决定时运用常识. The ODU police department has implemented a multitude of safety and security initiatives; however, 如果没有工作人员的意识和合作,最广泛的计划也不可能成功, study, and live on our campuses. 

ODU警察局24小时运作,为当地社区提供全面的警察和安全服务. In addition to the main campus, 根据与诺福克市的协议,该部门拥有扩展的巡逻管辖权, certified by the City of Norfolk Circuit Court. ODU警察还负责为弗吉尼亚海滩高等教育中心提供安全和安保服务, Virginia Beach, VA and the Tri-Cities Higher Education Center in Portsmouth, VA and Suffolk, VA. Thomas Nelson Community College Police department, whom have the same law enforcement authority as ODUPD, is responsible for patrolling the ODU Peninsula Center. The Old Dominion Police Department is located at 4516 Monarch Way, in Norfolk, VA. The police department also operates two (2) substations. The Community Engagement Unit, K9 Unit, 和警察学员位于Powhatan公寓综合体变电站(757-836-4267),调查组位于4116 Monarch Way变电站(757-683-4090)。. Office hours for each substation flex each semester, 因此,鼓励社区成员致电并安排预约,或致电757-683-5665致电ODU警察局.  Organizational Chart >

Monarchs Helping Monarchs

The ODU Police Department goes above and beyond to ensure student success.

一个穿军装的人描述自动生成,可信度中等On behalf of the Old Dominion University Police Department, welcome and thank you for taking the time to visit our website.  bet8体育娱乐入口公共安全系包括bet8体育娱乐入口警察局, the Office of Emergency Management, Threat Assessment, and Clery Act compliance.  我们的警察部门是一个全方位服务的执法机构,通过了执法机构认证委员会(CALEA)的国际认证。, 国际校园执法管理人员协会(IACLEA),并且是通过弗吉尼亚刑事司法服务部认证的预防犯罪校园社区.  The Old Dominion University Police Department is a proactive, 以价值为导向的组织,通过提供优质、专业和创新的诚信警务服务,支持公共安全部的使命, tailored to the needs of our community.


bet8体育娱乐入口警察局保持着最高水平的培训, ethical standards, and technological innovation while embracing 21st 通过透明和有效的团队合作,建立社区信任.  In 2021, bet8体育娱乐入口警察局是弗吉尼亚刑事司法服务部“重塑公共安全”工作组的一部分.  This working group was comprised of law enforcement officials, community advocates, and academia professionals throughout the Commonwealth.  该委员会的目标是确定执法部门和社会各界可以共同参与解决与使用武力有关的问题的方式, implicit bias, and the recruitment, selection, and retention of police officers.  这项工作在全州范围的会议上达到了高潮,会议建立了有意义的社区关系,并向弗吉尼亚刑事司法服务部提出了几项建议,这些建议将提高警察和社区的期望和关系, well into the future.

bet8体育娱乐入口警察局的网站提供了大量培训资源, safety awareness, services, programs, and our annual Security and Fire Safety Report.  Our department is committed to continuous improvement, operational transparency, and community engagement with all members of the Monarch community.

Please let us know how we are doing. We encourage and welcome your feedback, whether positive or negative, so that we may make improvements where necessary, and continue to provide the level of service you expect and deserve.

Garrett Shelton
Chief of Police

Professional Standards Statistical Analysis

ODUPD is committed to providing law enforcement and security services that are fair, effective, and impartially applied. To help achieve this, 所有部门人员,包括宣誓就职的官员和文职雇员,都必须遵守最高的行为标准,并尊重所有人,承认所有人的权利. Adherence to these standards, 在道德和职业义务的激励下,员工竭尽所能地履行自己的职责, is the ultimate objective of this agency. 职业标准办公室负责调查对bet8体育娱乐入口警察局成员的所有不当行为投诉. Below is the statistical analysis of the types of complaints and the findings.


Policing As A Community

Virginia Community Policing Act
为了减少执法人员进行基于偏见的定性, 《bet8体育娱乐入口》要求执法机构在所有交通和调查站点收集人口统计信息. 这些数据被提交到由弗吉尼亚州警察维护的全州社区警务报告数据库. 全州范围内的数据将被分析,以确定基于偏见的分析的流行程度. Visit the Open Data Portal and search for Old Dominion University Police Department under agency name.

Proud Community Partner
ODUPD is a CALEA Nationally Accredited Law Enforcement Agency. IACLEA认证的校园执法机构和DCJS认证的预防犯罪校园社区.