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部门哲学 & Religious Studies

Preparing Students for Successful Careers in Law, Higher Education, Religion & 政治

The 部门 哲学 & Religious Studies offers a Bachelor of 艺术 degree in philosophy designed to give students a solid grounding in the historical development of philosophy, and an ability to analyze arguments proposed in serious discussions of any subject. ODU offers three options: general, political and legal studies, and religious studies.

The political and legal studies concentration is aimed at students interested in social and political philosophy, particularly those planning to attend law school.

The religious studies concentration is designed for students looking to understand the role of religion in human culture and to expand their cultural competency. Students can also choose to minor in religious studies.

Interested in Majoring or Minoring in 哲学 & Religious Studies?

与我们的 Student Ambassadors to get the inside scoop about what it's like to focus your degree in 哲学 & Religious Studies here at Old Dominion University. 联系 Professor Kouri Kissel to get in touch with a student ambassador. They're happy to answer any questions you may have about our program.

2022-2023 Student Ambassadors 联系

这样做. 大胆去做吧. One of the best things about this degree is that you can do just about anything with it...It teaches you life and job skills that will benefit you in your future.

- Matt Shumaker, '14


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