

请注意,你们的报价是 大学入学并不能保证 未来进入你想要学习的专业. Nursing maintains supplemental requirements for entry into the program. 有资格进入执照预备课程, applicants must have completed all prerequisite coursework with a minimum GPA of 3.0. 绩点3分.6 or higher is typically needed to be competitive for admission.

Please be advised that prior to enrollment in the BSN program, students will be asked to submit a background check and urine drug screen. 完成BSN学位并不能保证有资格成为弗吉尼亚州的注册护士. The Board (of Nursing) may refuse to admit a candidate to any examination, 拒绝向任何申请人发出持牌人证明书, and may suspend any license or certificate for a stated period or indefinitely, 或吊销任何许可证或证书, 或谴责或谴责任何持牌人或证书持有人, or place licensee on probation for such time as it may designate per Board of Nursing regulations. (参考:54.1-3007, 拒绝, 撤销或中止, 谴责或缓刑-弗吉尼亚联邦, 护理委员会, 法规和规章.)

欲了解更多信息,请访问 健康科学学术咨询, email hsadvising@hebhgkq.com,或致电757-683-5137.

未来的 & 传入的学生

不幸的是,护理学院不提供参观服务. 我们的实验室和教室大量用于指导我们的在校生,不提供参观. 这所大学为未来的学生提供校园参观. We've developed a short video to provide a virtual tour of the 护理学院 facilities.

No, 学生在ODU的主校区完成通识教育和先决条件课程,但所有的护理执照预备课程都在位于1881大学大道的弗吉尼亚海滩高等教育中心提供, 弗吉尼亚海滩, VA 23453.

学生护士协会欢迎所有学生加入. SNA是ODU学生组织,通过社区服务和同伴指导促进专业发展.

新生也可能有兴趣加入COHS 学习社区. 健康科学学院健康专业学习社区旨在帮助您建立强大的学术基础,以便在进入该专业时具有竞争力.

学生在整个汉普顿路地区的医疗机构完成直接的病人护理临床经验. Some clinical sites may be as much as 30 miles away from the main campus. 个人交通工具是必要的.


Students transferring credits from the Virginia 社区 College System can check this link http://zals.hebhgkq.com/transfer/vccs 用于转移信用信息.

A "C" or above must be earned in a course to receive transfer credit. “C-”或以下的成绩不能转学.

是的,护理实践是基于证据的. We use statistics everyday to analyze charts, interpret results and summarize findings. We use statistics to enhance patient care and support evidenced based practices. In addition, graduate nursing programs require completion of statistics for admission. Our BSN program prepares students for future graduate coursework.

All prerequisite nursing courses must be completed with a C or higher. 如果你在必修课程中获得C或更低的成绩,你就没有资格开始护理课程. 如果你已经被该专业录取, you should notify us immediately and drop any nursing courses in which you have enrolled.

您可以查看计算标准 在这里.

你可以看看技术标准 在这里.

No. 以获得进入bet8体育娱乐入口的学分, 课程必须在地区认证机构认可的高等教育机构学习. In order to recognize the prior clinical education of all RN to BSN students, 33 credits in experiential learning are awarded based on a current, unencumbered RN licensure as students progress through the program.

是的. CLEP credits can be used to fulfill selected general education requirements. For a list of subjects in which CLEP credits can be awarded, click 在这里.

才有资格入学, applicants must have completed the following courses at the time of application:

写通讯. 技能(英语110C) - 3学分

发展心理学(PSYC 203S) - 3学分

社会学导论(SOC 201S) - 3学分

College Chemistry I (CHEM 105/106N or CHEM 121/122N) - 4 credits

微生物学(生物103)- 4学分

人体解剖学I(生物250)- 4学分

数学技能(属性130M) - 3学分

Student must have a minimum of 30 completed credit hours to apply, 请记住,如果被录取,所有非护理课程必须在秋季之前完成.

No, ODU目前不提供从主校区到弗吉尼亚海滩高等教育中心的交通服务. 护理专业的学生必须提供自己的交通工具到汉普顿路的临床站点.

是的, 在弗吉尼亚海滩高等教育中心注册护理课程的全日制学生有资格享受校园住宿和全日制学生的其他特权.

所有申请bet8体育娱乐入口护理学院的学生都必须参加HESI A2评估测试. Previously, the ODU 护理学院 included five academic exams on the HESI A2. To align the requirements of other nursing programs locally and around the country, the 护理学院 will now include all sections of the exam on our admission assessment.

请注意:护理学院接受在过去两年内完成的HESI A2成绩单. 如果你去年完成了五部分的HESI A2考试, this transcript is still acceptable for your admission packet.

HESI A2考试由七门学术考试和两门个人评估考试(不计分)组成:

  1. 阅读理解: Provides scenarios in order to measure reading comprehension, 包括确定主旨, 根据上下文找出单词的意思, 进行逻辑推理.
  2. 词汇表 & 常识: Tests knowledge of everyday vocabulary terms, as well as vocabulary used in healthcare fields.
  3. 语法:评估基本语法知识, 包括词性, 重要的语法术语及其用法, 常见的语法错误等等.
  4. 基本数学能力: 专注于医疗保健领域所需的数学技能, 包括基本添加, 减法, 乘法, 分数, 小数, 比例与比例, 家庭计量和一般的数学事实.
  5. 生物学: 涵盖生物学基础知识, 水, 生物分子, 新陈代谢, 细胞, 细胞呼吸, 光合作用和更多.
  6. 化学: 包含涵盖物质的测试项, 化学方程式和反应, 元素周期表, 原子结构, 核化学, 化学键等等.
  7. 解剖学 & 生理学: Provides coverage of general terminology and anatomical structures and systems.


  1. 个性特征使用内向型和外向型的相关概念对学生的个性风格进行分类
  2. 学习风格:评估潜在申请人的首选学习方式,并提供适合该学习方式的考试和学习技巧.

请email universitytesting@hebhgkq.com 了解更多信息.

You must send an official high school transcript to the ODU Office of 入学s.


我们的合作伙伴医疗保健机构必须让所有员工和学生护士与病人一起工作,遵守OSHA和联合委员会的政策. This is for the protection of patients and employees and student nurses. All of our health physical requirements are the same followed by our partner facilities.

学生可以在主校区的bet8体育娱乐入口书店或网上购买教科书. 教科书的要求和版本每年都有变化,所以在购买之前请确保您有最新的ISBN和版本信息.

No. 你必须重新申请这个项目.

No. Nursing courses must be completed in the order in which they appear on your curriculum guide. Each course has content and skills required by subsequent courses.

You may petition to be readmitted to the nursing program only once.

No. 护理临床经验可以分配到汉普顿路地区的七个城市中的任何一个. 学生不能选择临床实习地点,而是有目的地在各种地点轮换,以体验护理在不同环境下的实际情况.

BSN的课程是严格的. Students are encouraged not to work; if necessary, students should work part-time or as little as possible in order to be successful in the program.

No. Nursing is a practice discipline with a licensing exam required after graduation. 由于初级护理课程和高级护理课程之间的时间间隔较长,因此,如果兼职学习为期4-6年,学生可能会面临通过执照考试的风险.

查找 本科生奖学金 或者联系本科指导老师.


学生在整个汉普顿路地区的医疗机构完成直接的病人护理临床经验. Some clinical sites may be as much as 30 miles away from the main campus. 个人交通工具是必要的.

为学生保持良好的学术地位, 每门护理课程成绩必须达到C或以上.



RN to BSN students are admitted to begin the nursing curriculum every Fall, 春季和夏季学期. Students may complete the RN to BSN nursing major on a full-time or part-time basis. 全职选择只推荐给那些持有注册护士执照但不从事注册护士工作的学生. 你应该在注册全职后开始注册护士的工作吗?建议你进入兼职课程. The program may be completed in one calendar year for full-time students. 两年的时候, 兼职完成护理课程是典型的, 学生可能会以较慢的速度学习, 如果需要, 让学生在兼顾工作和家庭责任的同时获得学位.

All postlicensure courses are offered online through distance learning.

是的,护理实践是基于证据的. We use statistics everyday to analyze charts, interpret results and summarize findings. We use statistics to enhance patient care and support evidenced based practices. In addition, graduate nursing programs require completion of statistics for admission. Our BSN program prepares students for future graduate coursework.

No, 申请人必须先被附属学校录取,然后再申请奥德大学护理学院. 申请时需要提供注册护士项目的录取通知书副本或注册证明.