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Michael和Kimthanh Lê天文馆公共显示




$4 per ticket - Tickets available at the door starting at 6:30 pm.

爱的空间? 享受在夜晚凝视星星的乐趣? Ever wonder what it would be like to fall into a black hole? 在我们的天文馆节目中找到答案. As always, shows are family friendly and open to anyone. You do not need to be and ODU student to attend.

Our shows typically last about an hour and start with a full-dome movie (schedule listed below). Each movie lasts about 20-25 minutes. Afterwards, we'll show the night sky including planets & 星座, fly through our solar system and visit other planets, 穿越银河系, 周游宇宙.

Recommended for ages 4 and up as you never quite know how infants and toddlers will react to a dark planetarium. 有些人喜欢它. 有些则不然.

Cash, credit, or debit accepted at the door. 下午6:30左右开门.

Shows start at 7:00 pm and last approximately 1-hour.

不接受提前预订. 座位先到先得.

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来一场夏日天空之旅吧, 看看哪些行星是可见的, 听星座故事, and plan for upcoming celestial events.

年龄4 +



The Sun has shone on our world for four and a half billion years. The light that warms our skin today has been felt by every person who has ever lived.It is our nearest star and our planet's powerhouse, the source of the energy that drives our winds, 我们的天气和所有的生命. The passage of the Sun's fiery disc across the sky — day by day, month by month — was the only way to keep track of time for countless past civilisations. Discover the secrets of our star in this planetarium show and experience never-before-seen images of the Sun's violent surface in immersive fulldome format.

年龄在10 +



从地球到宇宙 is the world's first full-length fulldome planetarium movie freely available for planetarium use. 这惊人的, 30-minute voyage through time and space conveys, through an arresting combination of sights and sounds, the Universe revealed to us by science. Take an in-depth look through our solar system, 飞越我们的星系, 参见恒星残骸, 周游宇宙 beyond the Milky Way.

年龄8 +



Elmo and Big Bird live in the United States and Hu Hu Zhu lives far away in China, but they discovered that they still see the same stars at night! Use your imagination with Elmo and his new friend to visit the Moon and see what it's like up close.

Also includes a star show, hands-on activities, and a laser show!

4 - 7岁



来一场夏日天空之旅吧, 看看哪些行星是可见的, 听星座故事, and plan for upcoming celestial events.

Includes a July 4th themed laser show. **Laser shows include flashing lights and loud music.**

年龄4 +


看到! A Photons Journey Across Space, Time, and Mind

Follow the journey of a single photon as it is produced in a distant star, before travelling across the vast expanse of space to land on someone's retina. This full dome planetarium show explores some of the fascinating processes of the cosmos, from astrophysics to the biology of the eye and brain.


年龄在10 +



在地球暴力的历史中, impacts from comets and asteroids have mercilessly shaped its surface. The ancient barrage continues today; from harmless meteors - those brilliant streaks in the night sky, to mountain sized boulders wandering perilously close to Earth. 可怕而威严, these invaders from space are capable of utter destruction yet they have delivered life-giving water and most of the organic materials necessary for life. Life on Earth owes its very existence to these denizens of the solar system, yet it could all be wiped out in an instant. This ceaseless Firefall is our only tangible connection to the universe beyond and is an ever-present reminder of our own humble beginnings in the hostile environment of space.

年龄在10 +


5000 Eyes: Mapping the Universe with DESI

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is creating the most detailed map of our nearby universe. Installed on the Mayall telescope on Kitt Peak in Southern Arizona, DESI's 5000 independently operated robots can measure the light from millions of galaxies at once. It is currently mapping our Universe at a rate of ~1 million galaxies per month.

加入我们一起探索科学吧, 仪器, and people behind this global endeavor and reveal the most detailed galaxy map of our Universe!

年龄8 +


Supermassive Black Holes: Uncovering the Invisible

Leading scientists in observational and theoretical studies of black holes and experts in cutting-edge technologies have been brought together to set up research projects which will combine the latest state-of-the-art observations, numerical simulations and innovative analytic tools to compare theory with observation, and shed light on the physics of black hole formation in the context of galaxy evolution.

年龄在10 +



Enhance your college career by gaining relevant experience with the skills and knowledge needed for your future career. Discover our experiential learning opportunities.


Picture yourself in the classroom, speak with professors in your major, and meet current students.


From sports games to concerts and lectures, join the ODU community at a variety of campus events.