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About the 英语语言中心

The 英语语言中心 promotes effective, high-quality instruction of English for speakers of other languages. It seeks to develop in students a respect for the dignity and worth of the individual, a capacity for critical reasoning, a general desire for learning, and the capacity to evaluate their on-going language learning needs. It fosters the continuing improvement of its faculty by encouraging research, 奖学金, and professional development. The 英语语言中心 is committed to presenting the depth and variety of the United States to students and faculty while encouraging a lively curiosity about all cultures of the world.

As an important unit at bet8体育娱乐入口, its primary goal is to enhance the mission of the public, 城市, 高等教育机构. In striving to achieve this goal, the 英语语言中心 seeks to:

  • Facilitate the university's international recruiting efforts by providing a high-quality, 价格合理, intensive English language program.
  • Prepare bet8体育娱乐入口 students for academic success by improving their English language skills.
  • Provide expertise to the university community on issues related to the teaching and assessment of English for speakers of other languages.
  • Prepare international graduate students and, 当请求, international faculty for effective instruction of American students.
  • Assist in the promotion of economic development in the 汉普顿道路 area by providing high-quality English language instruction for international business people and military personnel, and by developing special programs for groups of international professionals.
  • Enhance the university's linkage with overseas institutions by providing special short-term English language instruction for groups of students from overseas institutions.
  • Serve as a community resource in providing information on the teaching of English to speakers of other languages both within the United States and overseas.
  • Provide professional English language instruction for international students seeking an immersion experience in the United States to complement the academic curriculum at their home institutions.

ELC提供 full and part-time courses in English as a second language. The 英语语言中心's rigorous full-time 强化英语课程 is designed for students who want to develop the academic English proficiency necessary to succeed in ODU's undergraduate and graduate programs.

ELC的上层 满足PROGRAMS combines credit-bearing academic courses with credit-bearing courses in English.


The 英语语言中心 is an accepted member of UCIEP, a professional agency which selects schools for membership based on adherence to the highest standards of professional and academic excellence.


学习 English can be enriched by student participation in out-of-classroom activities. 出于这个原因, many extracurricular activities are available such as trips to widely acclaimed museums, 花园, 海滩度假区, 体育, 还有文化活动. In addition to these outings, students are encouraged to participate in the many activities and 体育 events offered by the University.

The ELC also sponsors a Conversation Partner program in which international students are paired with Americans to practice their English in an informal setting.





汉普顿道路 is what Norfolk and the surrounding region is called. It's the crossroads of many of the events that shaped America - the very first European settlers in the "New World,美国独立战争, 以及南北战争. The marks of those experiences make the city and the region a rich place to explore. Also nearby is one of America's most popular vacation spots, Virginia Beach (20 minutes away), and three hours away is Washington, D.C., with some of the greatest museums and monuments in the world.




Enhance your college career by gaining relevant experience with the skills and knowledge needed for your future career. Discover our experiential learning opportunities.


Picture yourself in the classroom, speak with professors in your major, and meet current students.


From 体育 games to concerts and lectures, join the ODU community at a variety of campus events.