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ODU 实践 Test Preparation

Praxis—Move toward a teaching career!

Trying to get into a teacher preparation or certification program? Praxis®核心学术技能测试衡量阅读、写作和数学方面的学术技能. 这些测试旨在提供全面的评估,以衡量进入教师培训计划的候选人的技能和内容知识.

Old Dominion University Praxis Core Prep Classes include expert instruction, 经过验证的格式, all required course materials, 和 online support resources in one convenient, 负担得起的包. ODU offers two core test preparation courses: practice®核心数学Praxis®核心口语. 通过ODU在汉普顿路提供的唯一的Praxis预备班准备Praxis®Core课程. We will help you improve your skills, 信心, 和分数, 所有这些都增加了你进入你选择的教师预备课程的机会!

The practice®核心数学
Praxis®核心数学测试评估基本的数学技能和运算能力,并衡量批判性思维能力. 在大多数州,许多教师预备课程和教师认证都要求或接受Praxis核心数学测试.

The Praxis®核心口语
Praxis®核心口语测试评估阅读理解和书面沟通能力. 在大多数州,许多教师预备课程和教师认证都要求或接受Praxis Core Verbal测试.

What does ODU’s Praxis Core Prep Classes Offer?

专家指导: Our test-prep instructors are highly trained professionals. 我们经验丰富的教练了解实践,并关心帮助您实现您的目标.

经过验证的策略: ODU's curriculum was developed by test-prep experts, 谁有多年的编写考试题目和帮助学生成功的经验.

优越的材料: Praxis核心数学和语言预备课程包括一本提供主题复习的课程练习册, 策略建模, 和 sample questions for practice.

在线支持: 我们为实践课程提供的在线支持包包括访问所有课程模块的录音, an instructor-monitored question forum, targeted skills practice, 和 online office hours. Access to online resources continues for 30 days after your last day of class, 这样下课后,你的独立练习仍然会得到支持.

Convenient Scheduling: 在线直播课程提供了可选择的时间表,并且在世界任何地方上课都有额外的好处.

值: The course fee includes all course materials, access to online resources, 和 instruction from a trained professional who cares about your success.


Why Should You Take ODU’s Praxis Core Prep Class?

ODU的实践核心数学预备班是理想的任何人希望进入教师准备计划或成为认证的教学. Our Praxis Core preparation curriculum is a program developed by experts. 您将获得有针对性的指导,帮助您为Praxis Core考试做好充分准备:

  • 10 hours for the Math section
  • 8 hours for the Verbal section

With ODU's Praxis Core Prep Classes, 在经验丰富的备考老师的帮助下,你将掌握提高考试成绩的策略,他们关心你的成功.

Convenient Online Scheduling!

ODU's Praxis Core Prep Classes are offered live-online, giving you the option to choose the schedule that works best for you. Enjoy the flexibility of attending class from anywhere or at any time. 我们的虚拟教室为您提供了与我们的专家教师实时互动的机会,并在课程结束后30天内方便地重新观看您的课堂录音.


ODU's live-online Praxis Core Prep Class is offered online using Adobe Connect, a free browser plug-in. You need only a high-speed internet connection 和 speakers or headphones.

Course materials will be delivered directly to your home. 我们建议在课程开始日期前至少四(4)个工作日注册,以确保您的学生套餐及时送达.

Check your system for Compatibility

On-Dem和 Praxis Core Mathematics Prep Classes

Class dates coming soon

准备Praxis®教育工作者核心学术技能:数学测试(5733),参加由bet8体育娱乐入口赞助的汉普顿路唯一的Praxis预备班. We will help you improve your skills, 信心, 和分数, 所有这些都增加了你进入你选择的教师预备课程的机会! 这门综合课程包括对实践考试中数学概念的复习,并为你准备考试中常见的问题. 按需实践核心数学预备班包括所有必需的课程材料, 经过验证的格式, 和 on-line support resources in one convenient, 负担得起的包.

Old Dominion University On-Dem和 Praxis Core Math Prep Classes Offer:

  • 专家指导: Our test-prep instructors are highly trained professionals. 我们经验丰富的教练了解实践,并关心帮助您实现您的目标.
  • 经过验证的策略: ODU's curriculum was developed by test-prep experts, 谁有多年的编写考试题目和帮助学生成功的经验.
  • 优越的材料: 按需实践核心数学预备班包括一本提供主题复习的课程练习册, 策略建模, 和 sample questions for practice.
  • 值: The course fee includes all course materials, access to on-line resources, 和 help from a trained professional who cares about your success.

Why Should You Take ODU's On-Dem和 Praxis Core Math Prep Class?

ODU的按需实践核心数学预备班是理想的任何人希望进入教师准备计划或成为认证的教学. Our Praxis Core Math preparation curriculum is a program developed by experts. In the ODU On-Dem和 Praxis Core Math Prep Class, 在经验丰富的备考老师的帮助下,您将掌握提高Praxis核心数学(5733)分数的策略,他们关心您的成功.

Convenient On-Dem和 Scheduling!

With the On-Dem和 class, you get our course materials 和 120 days of access to our online portal, 其中包括经验丰富的教师教授练习册模块的录音, an instructor-monitored question forum, 和 Online Office Hours, where you can chat with a live instructor. 你可以选择练习准备的时间表、顺序、地点和时间!


实践:按需课程使用免费应用程序Adobe Connect在线提供. 参加在线直播课程所需要的只是高速网络连接和扬声器或耳机.

Course materials will be delivered directly to your home. 我们建议在课程开始日期前至少四(4)个工作日注册,以确保您的学生套餐及时送达.

On-Dem和 Praxis Core Math Prep Class Syllabus


  • Strategies for determining what the question is asking
  • Approaches to math questions presented in abstract form
  • 将现实世界的难题转化为代数表达式或方程的策略
  • Review of the mathematical concepts tested on the Praxis Core Math (5733)


ODU's Test Prep program is partnered with Educational Testing Consultants, a leader in higher education test preparation. 每年, 教育测试顾问公司帮助美国主要学院和大学的数千名学生准备标准化考试. 教育测试顾问提供了一个经过验证的项目,具有成功的记录和高度训练, top-quality instructors.

Request a Custom Praxis Prep Class or Presentation

ODU Test Prep also offers customized Praxis Prep programs for schools, nonprofit organizations, 还有Community团体. If you are an academic advisor, 项目负责人, admissions department, 或Community领袖,想要详细了解我们的定制程序或想要一个演示文稿, 请致电(757)683-6089与我们的专业人员联系,或发送电子邮件至credentialingcenter@hebhgkq.com .


To withdraw from a course you must send a request in writing to credentialingcenter@hebhgkq.com seven (7) days prior the start date of the course. Failure to attend a course does not constitute withdrawal. 课程注册费,减去50美元的手续费将退还到您的信用卡. There are no refunds once the class has begun.

Late withdrawals of six (6) days or less before the class begins, will result in the student being charged the $50 processing fee, as well as charges for books 和/or other course material fees.

浏览 & 注册课程

Request a Custom Praxis Prep Class or Presentation

ODU's Test Prep program is partnered with Educational Testing Consultants, a leader in higher education test preparation. 每年, 教育测试顾问公司帮助美国主要学院和大学的数千名学生准备标准化考试. 教育测试顾问提供了一个经过验证的项目,具有成功的记录和高度训练, top-quality instructors.

ODU Test Prep also offers customized Praxis Prep programs for schools, nonprofit organizations, 还有Community团体. If you are an academic advisor, 项目负责人, admissions department, 或Community领袖,想要详细了解我们的定制程序或想要一个演示文稿, please call our professional staff at 757-683-6089 or email us at credentialingcenter@hebhgkq.com


Experience Guaranteed

通过获得与你未来职业所需的技能和知识相关的经验来提升你的大学生涯. Discover our experiential learning opportunities.



