

The 民政部 and 环境工程 offers a four-year undergraduate program leading to the Bachelor of Science Degree in 土木工程 (BSCE). The BSCE degree program is accredited by the Engineering 认证 Commission (EAC) of ABET, http://www.教唆.org. The undergraduate degree in civil engineering prepares graduates for entry into professional practice and continued intellectual and professional development throughout their career.

另外, we offer an undergraduate minor in environmental engineering with two tracks available: aqueous environmental systems and environmental protection. An undergraduate minor in civil engineering may be obtained by students from outside of the major.


获得土木工程学士学位(BSCE). 土木工程师认为, 计划, 设计构造, and maintain the facilities and infrastructures that are essential to our civilization. 



Full-time undergraduate students with GPA > 3.0 can complete the requirements for the bachelor's degree in four years and the master's degree in one additional year. Eligible student can choose a master's program in the same discipline as his/her bachelor's program or in a complementary discipline in the 巴顿工程学院 and 技术. 须经本科和研究生项目主任批准, a student enrolled in a linked BS/MS program can count up to six credit hours of course work towards both the undergraduate and the graduate degrees. 有关攻读加速学位课程的更多信息, please make an appointment with the Chief Departmental Advisor and 研究生 Program Director.

1987年获特许, the ODU Civil and 环境工程 访问ing Council (CEEVC) serves as the advisory group of the Civil and 环境工程 Department. 作为其众多举措之一, the CEEVC is pleased to offer the opportunity for students to apply for reimbursement for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam fee. The CEEVC accepts applications for reimbursement on a rolling basis for ODU 土木工程 (CEE) undergraduate students who take and pass the exam 在毕业之前.

完成 报销的形式 must be submitted to the CEE Academic Office, Kaufman Hall #135, with a copy of your test results.

This interdisciplinary minor is for students who would like to learn about energy engineering fundamentals, 能源系统的社会环境影响, 以及新的能源工程技术. The minor will enhance students' abilities to integrate knowledge from different disciplines with concepts used in energy engineering, and offer the opportunity to be recognized for study in this growing interdisciplinary field.

有兴趣申请的请联系博士. 桑迪普·库马尔(skumar@hebhgkq.com)通过电子邮件.

High school applicants are selected for admission to the University on the basis of their overall academic record, 包括高中推荐. 申请人必须出示高中的16个学分. The level of academic competition and the number of available spaces in the entering class influence actual minimum requirements for admission. Official results of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT) must be submitted by anyone applying for freshman status and for transfer students having less than twenty-four semester hours of college credit.

Prospective transfer students must have official transcripts of all previous college work completed forwarded to the University as part of the application materials. 有关申请大学的资料及表格,请联络 招生办公室, 旧行政大楼108室, bet8体育娱乐入口, 诺福克, VA 23529-0050, (757) 683-3637. 关于bet8体育娱乐入口的详细在线信息 入学手续、指南等. 也是可用的.

学生 interested in studying civil or environmental engineering at bet8体育娱乐入口 should follow a college preparatory curriculum including 4 credits of English, 三门外语学分, 数学(代数I和代数II) 4个学分 , 几何和高等数学), 化学1学分, 1个物理学分. 此外,一些计算机编程建议,但不是必需的.

家庭作业应该包括一份荣誉准则声明, 页码, 特殊治疗的答案, 小数和其他因子.

找到 土木与环境工程专业作业标准.  

建议 & 职业生涯的工具



Each student is required to meet with their assigned CEE 教师 Advisor every semester prior to registration for a future term. 学生与指导老师的讨论涉及职业探索, 选择辅修(如果需要), 选课建议, 追求研究生学习, 实习和合作的机会, 等. 一旦学生与指定的指导老师见面, 学生账户上的指导老师封禁将被移除, 只有这样,学生才能注册课程. 此外,ODU的 职业发展服务 为学生和雇主提供全方位的就业服务.


新入学的bet8体育娱乐入口新生必须参加君主入学培训. 查找君主方向的信息.

Academic advising for freshman and those who 没有 完成他们的工程基础课程(微积分I) & II, 大学物理I, 和工程入门课程)由巴顿工程学院管理 & 技术院长办公室工程学生成功顾问. 找到 录取新生清单. 与学术顾问讨论课程规划/选择, 登记准备, 课程回顾, 等.

联系工程专业学生 engineeringadvising@hebhgkq.com.

Newly admitted transfer students at bet8体育娱乐入口 are strongly encouraged to attend a Monarch Orientation, 如果没有要求(基于转学学分). 查找君主方向的信息.

为转校生提供学术建议 没有 完成他们的工程基础课程(微积分I) & 微积分大学物理I,程序设计I,化学I & II, 和工程入门课程)由巴顿工程学院管理 & 技术院长办公室工程学生成功顾问. 找到 录取新生清单. 与学术顾问讨论课程规划/选择, 登记准备, 课程回顾, 等. 了解 工程专业学生成功本科指导.

为转校生提供学术建议 完成数学工程基础课程(微积分1) & 微积分大学物理I,程序设计I,化学I & (二)工程导论课程由中学部管理. 它是 强烈推荐 to contact the CEE Department upon acceptance to ODU in order to complete advising/transfer credit evaluations and register for classes as soon as possible. 与学术顾问讨论课程规划/选择, 转移等效性审查, 登记准备, 课程回顾, 等.


Each student is required to meet with their assigned CEE 教师 Advisor every semester prior to registration for a future term. 学生与指导老师的讨论涉及职业探索, 选择辅修(如果需要), 选课建议, 追求研究生学习, 实习和合作的机会, 等. 一旦学生与指定的指导老师见面, 学生账户上的指导老师封禁将被移除, 只有这样,学生才能注册课程. 此外,ODU的 职业发展服务 为学生和雇主提供全方位的就业服务.


新入学的bet8体育娱乐入口新生必须参加君主入学培训. 查找君主方向的信息.

Academic advising for freshman and those who 没有 完成他们的工程基础课程(微积分I) & II, 大学物理I, 和工程入门课程)由巴顿工程学院管理 & 技术院长办公室工程学生成功顾问. 找到 录取新生清单. 与学术顾问讨论课程规划/选择, 登记准备, 课程回顾, 等.

联系工程专业学生 engineeringadvising@hebhgkq.com.

Newly admitted transfer students at bet8体育娱乐入口 are strongly encouraged to attend a Monarch Orientation, 如果没有要求(基于转学学分). 查找君主方向的信息.

为转校生提供学术建议 没有 完成他们的工程基础课程(微积分I) & 微积分大学物理I,程序设计I,化学I & II, 和工程入门课程)由巴顿工程学院管理 & 技术院长办公室工程学生成功顾问. 找到 录取新生清单. 与学术顾问讨论课程规划/选择, 登记准备, 课程回顾, 等. 了解 工程专业学生成功本科指导.

为转校生提供学术建议 完成数学工程基础课程(微积分1) & 微积分大学物理I,程序设计I,化学I & (二)工程导论课程由中学部管理. 它是 强烈推荐 to contact the CEE Department upon acceptance to ODU in order to complete advising/transfer credit evaluations and register for classes as soon as possible. 与学术顾问讨论课程规划/选择, 转移等效性审查, 登记准备, 课程回顾, 等.




ODU的土木及环境工程系获 工程技术认证委员会,或ABET. 

阅读我们的 教育目标和学生成果