Program Prioritization Initiative

"Over the last seven months, bet8体育娱乐入口不得不突然对我们无法控制的因素做出反应. In doing so, 我们学到了我们能力的广度,也见证了我们教职员工的韧性和学生们的毅力. 如果说我们从今年学到了什么,那就是齐心协力,我们可以克服任何障碍."

- Austin O. Agho, Ph.D. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


  • Shape the future of academic programming at ODU

  • Use a data-driven process to prioritize administrative and academic programs

  • Identify opportunities for program enhancements

  • Identify potential areas for resource reallocation
  • Submit reports to the provost, deans, and faculty senate
  • Inform application of Policy 1462 (Policy for the Review of Academic Programs, 为可能的缩减或终止而设立的院系或学院)


  • Shared governance
  • Transparent
  • Future-focused
  • Inclusive
  • Use ODU faculty as experts
  • Build on ODU's strengths
  • Academic quality
  • Evidenced-based
  • Community-oriented
  • Student success and social mobility
  • Across the board cuts are not in the institution's best interests
  • Dr. Vinod Agarwal, Professor, Strome College of Business, Deputy Director, Dragas Center for Economic Analysis and Policy
  • Dr. Tom Allen, Professor, College of Arts and Letters
  • Dr. 妮娜·布朗,达顿教育与专业研究学院教授和杰出学者
  • Ms. Nina Gonser, Interim Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Wayne Hynes, Professor, College of Sciences
  • Ms. Heather Huling, Assistant Vice President, Office of Distance Learning
  • Dr. Vishnu Lakdawala,巴顿工程技术学院副教授
  • Dr. Norou Diawara, Professor, College of Sciences
  • Dr. Tisha Paredes,机构有效性和评估助理副总裁
  • Dr. Brian Payne, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Desh Ranjan, Professor, College of Sciences
  • Dr. 林恩·里丁格,达顿教育与专业研究学院教授
  • Dr. Jay Scribner, Professor, Darden College of Education and Professional Studies
  • Dr. Deanne Shuman, Professor, College of Health Sciences
  • Dr. Mileta Tomovic, Professor and Mitsubishi Kasei Endowed Professor, Batten College of Engineering and Technology
  • Ms. Karen Vaughan, Head of Scholarly Communication & Publishing Dept., University Libraries
  • Dr. Charles Wilson, Professor, College of Arts and Letters
  • Dr. Xiushi Yang, Professor, College of Arts and Letters
  • Dr. Wie Yusuf, Professor, Strome College of Business

Bi-weekly meetings

  • October: kickoff
  • November: data review
  • December: data review
  • January: develop preliminary actions
  • February: write reports
  • March: submit final recommendations/reports

  • Shared governance
  • Transparent
  • Future-focused
  • Inclusive
  • Use ODU faculty as experts
  • Build on ODU's strengths
  • Academic quality
  • Evidenced-based
  • Community-oriented
  • Student success and social mobility
  • Across the board cuts are not in the institution's best interests

  • Dr. Vinod Agarwal, Professor, Strome College of Business, Deputy Director, Dragas Center for Economic Analysis and Policy
  • Dr. Tom Allen, Professor, College of Arts and Letters
  • Dr. 妮娜·布朗,达顿教育与专业研究学院教授和杰出学者
  • Ms. Nina Gonser, Interim Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Wayne Hynes, Professor, College of Sciences
  • Ms. Heather Huling, Assistant Vice President, Office of Distance Learning
  • Dr. Vishnu Lakdawala,巴顿工程技术学院副教授
  • Dr. Norou Diawara, Professor, College of Sciences
  • Dr. Tisha Paredes,机构有效性和评估助理副总裁
  • Dr. Brian Payne, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Desh Ranjan, Professor, College of Sciences
  • Dr. 林恩·里丁格,达顿教育与专业研究学院教授
  • Dr. Jay Scribner, Professor, Darden College of Education and Professional Studies
  • Dr. Deanne Shuman, Professor, College of Health Sciences
  • Dr. Mileta Tomovic, Professor and Mitsubishi Kasei Endowed Professor, Batten College of Engineering and Technology
  • Ms. Karen Vaughan, Head of Scholarly Communication & Publishing Dept., University Libraries
  • Dr. Charles Wilson, Professor, College of Arts and Letters
  • Dr. Xiushi Yang, Professor, College of Arts and Letters
  • Dr. Wie Yusuf, Professor, Strome College of Business

Bi-weekly meetings

  • October: kickoff
  • November: data review
  • December: data review
  • January: develop preliminary actions
  • February: write reports
  • March: submit final recommendations/reports

Frequently Asked Questions

A: 工作组的职责是审查学术项目和学术事务中的行政支持领域,以确定和建议可能的变化,以确保项目与未来的招生趋势和财政现实保持一致. To do this, 工作队首先需要制定战略审查的框架和方法, assessing, and prioritizing programs and support areas. After developing the framework and methodology, the task force will carry out the methodology and produce a final report.

A: 工作组成员已被要求不代表学科领域. 相反,他们被要求从制度的角度来看待他们在工作组中的工作. At the same time, 被邀请加入工作组的几位成员之所以被选中,是因为他们对学院的所有单位都有广泛的了解. 因此,他们将能够在需要时提供或获得有关特定领域的见解.

A: 确定了来自整个大学的教师和教师管理人员,他们在广泛的项目中表现出重要的经验. 已注意确保工作队代表具有不同背景的教员.

A: NTT faculty are critical to the University. 几个重要的大学委员会(例如我们教职员参议院的A委员会和大学奖学金委员会)严重依赖NTT的教师. For this task force, 我们只包括资深终身教职人员主要是因为他们的学术和/或管理经验和机构的观点,但也, in part, 因为终身教职让教职员工可以毫无畏惧地畅所欲言,谈论可能存在争议的话题. 重要的是要重申,工作组成员不代表他们的学科, colleges or ranks. 它们代表ODU,并期望提供最适合ODU的建议.

A: Yes. Surveys are being distributed to chairs/directors, deans, 并将行政支持单位领导作为第一阶段信息收集的一部分. After reviewing that feedback along with other data already available, 工作组将确定其他个人,他们将被要求提供有关其项目的信息. 在任何时候,个人都可以通过本网站的匿名链接提供反馈. All comments received are shared with the task force.

A: To begin, 单位领导将被要求提供与标准相关的问题,这些标准将用于执行我们的收费. 系主任和学校主任将被要求描述他们的项目对学生的影响, potential for growth, distinct features, job opportunities for graduates, emerging careers, and related items. 还将要求他们就其与行政支助单位的相互作用提供反馈. Deans will be asked to identify programs that can be expanded, distinctive features about their college, programmatic priorities, opportunities for efficiencies, and related questions. For administrative support leaders, we will be seeking input regarding the unit's impact on students, consistency with mission, relationship to other units, ability to promote academic quality, and related questions.

A: 这些标准将来自于审查学术项目的访问委员会政策中概述的标准. That policy identifies twelve items to be considered when reviewing programs. 工作组成员被要求对这些项目进行排序,以便在开始时将重点放在选定的项目上,并期望稍后再考虑其他项目. As a result, the committee has identified impact on students, academic quality, student enrollment, consistency with mission, impact on research, 和安置/就业机会作为标准,应该考虑在这个时候评估学术课程. In addition, while not mentioned in the BoV policy, 工作组成员将对社区的影响确定为应包括在讨论中的标准.

A: 所有学术课程(学位课程和学术部门)将使用上述相同的标准进行评估. Regarding administrative support programs, 工作组确定了以下标准作为这次将考虑的项目:对学生的影响, program costs, relationship to other units, consistency with mission, and academic quality.

A: 重要的是要注意,工作队提出的是建议,而不是决定. To arrive at those recommendations, 该工作队将审查定量和定性数据以及大学社区提供的信息. The recommendations will not be driven solely by numbers. Context surrounding programs will be considered to inform the recommendations.

A: Yes. Academic quality is a tenet of the task force. 我们讨论的重点是提出促进和拥抱学术卓越的建议. 加强我们在研究生和本科阶段的学术课程是, in many ways, the foundation of our efforts.