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Handbook and paperwork for the newly hired.




Responsible Oversight Executive: Vice 总统 for 人力资源, 多样性, Equity, and Inclusion
日期 of Current Revision or Creation: 2023年6月6日
  1. 目的

    This policy permits up to 80 hours of paid leave annu所有y to qualifying employees who are c所有ed away from their regular jobs to provide specific kinds of emergency services during defined times of State and/or national disaster. This policy also permits up to 80 hours of paid leave annu所有y to employees who are victims of disasters that meet the criteria specified in this policy.

  2. 权威

    弗吉尼亚法典第23条.第1-1301条,经修正, grants authority to the Board of 访问ors to make rules and policies concerning institution. 第七节.第01(a)(6)条 访客委员会章程 grants authority to the 总统 to implement the policies and procedures of the Board relating to University operations.

    dhm政策#4.17 .紧急灾难休假

  3. 定义

    Administrative and Professional (A/P) 教师 - Employees who perform work directly related to the management of the educational and general activities of the institution, department or subdivision or whose professional positions serve the educational, 研究, 运动, 医疗, 学生事务, and development functions or activities of the institution.

    机密的员工 - A salaried employee whose terms and conditions of employment are subject to the Virginia Personnel Act, Code of Virginia Section 2.2-2900等序列.,经修订, and who is employed in a classified position.

    紧急服务 - The preparation for and carrying out of functions to prevent, minimize and repair injury and damage resulting from natural or man-made disasters. These include fire-fighting services, 警察服务, 医疗保健服务, 救援, 工程, warn-ing服务, 通信, 放射学, 化学, and other special weapons defense, evacuation of persons from stricken areas, 紧急福利服务, 紧急运输, 应急资源管理, existing or properly assigned functions of plant protection, temporary restoration of public utility services, and other functions related to civilian protection. 看到 Va. 法典§44-146.16.

    大灾难 - An official status declared by the 总统 of the United States when they deem that Federal assistance is needed under the 斯特拉福德法案.L. 93-288经修订) 补充国家, 当地的, and other resources to deal with the effects of a variety of natural or man-made catastrophic events.

    人为的灾难 - An event caused by the action of one or more persons that imperils life and property and produces danger or the imminent threat of danger through exposure to biological, 化学, 或者放射性危害, 定义为 Va. 法典§44-146.16. Examples include large spills resulting from transportation or industrial accidents and effects of terrorist acts. Some man-made disasters may also be c所有ed technological disasters.

    自然灾害 - An event of nature that causes extensive and/or severe threat to or destruction of life and/or property, 定义为 Va. 法典§44-146.16. 通常, such situations are the result of wind, 地震, 暴雪, 冰雪风暴, 广泛的火, 或洪水.

    主要个人住所 - The home or apartment in which the employee resides most of the time. This does 不 include vacation or second homes, nor property owned but 不 occupied by the employee. 正常情况下, this location will bear the employee's official address as recorded by the city or county where the dwelling is located.

    Specialized Skills or Training ——具体, definable skills or training that enable an individual to provide certain identified services needed during periods of state or national emergency or disaster. These skills and training may or may 不 be related to the qualifications used in the employee's State job.

    紧急状态 - The status declared by the Governor of Virginia (see Va. 法典§44-146.17) or of a不her State for conditions of sufficient severity and magnitude that assistance is needed to supplement the efforts of 当地的ities and other relief organizations.

    教学与RESEARCH学院 - Employees whose work assignments primarily involve instruction, 研究, 以及学术活动, and who hold academic rank/titles.

    工资的员工 - A non-salaried employee who receives pay for hours worked and is 不 covered by the provisions of the Virginia Personnel Act. Wage employees are sometimes referred to as hourly employees. Wage employees have no guarantee of employment for a particular term or a particular daily or weekly work schedule; they serve at the will of the designated hiring official and may be terminated at any time.

  4. 范围

    This policy applies to 所有 employees of the University, 包括所有员工, 管理员, 教师, 全职或兼职, and classified or non-classified persons who are paid by the University. This policy is 不 applicable to wage or adjunct employee classifications. Employees activated under military orders, whether by State or Federal authorities, are 不 covered by this policy. 看到 军假,政策4.50.

  5. 政策声明

    This policy grants an eligible employee to continue to receive their normal salary for up to 80 hours while using approved 紧急/Disaster leave under the provisions of this policy.


    1. The affected area(s) is covered by an official declaration of major disaster by the 总统 of the United States, or a declaration of a 紧急状态 by the Governor of Virginia or the governor of a不her state.

    2. Public officials at the site of the disaster have requested the assistance of individuals with specialized skills or training and the employee possesses the required specialized skills or training requested by the authorities.

    3. Employees present written requests to provide emergency services and obtain approval prior to using leave under this policy.

    4. Employees asked by emergency/relief service authorities to extend their service beyond 80 hours for the same event may request approval from their agencies to use appropriate accrued leave or leave without pay. Approval is at the discretion of the supervisor.

    5. Employee who has sustained severe or catastrophic damage to or loss of their primary personal residence, or has been ordered to evacuate that residence, as a result of a natural or man-made emergency or disaster. Supervisors have sole discretion for authorizing up to 80 hours of leave annu所有y under this provision for employees who meet 所有 标准如下:

      1. The event resulted in a formal declaration of a 紧急状态 or of a Federal disaster status.

      2. The employee's home was located in the offici所有y declared disaster area.

      3. Formal documentation from recognized disaster relief organi­zations or insurance companies verifies severe, 极端的, or catastrophic damage to or loss of personal property as a result of the declared emergency in which the damage or required evacuation rendered the employee's home temporarily or permanently uninhabitable.

      大学将 pay for expenses related to provid­ing emergency service, such as travel, food, or lodging.

      大学将 pay for expenses incurred by the employee in recovering from the personal effects of a disaster.

  6. 程序

    Employees are responsible for requesting leave as required by University policy and for providing the required documen­tation or verification as listed above. Employees are also responsible for ensuring that 所有 leave is accurately reported in Web Time Entry (WTE).

    Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that 所有 employees' leave is accurately reported and approved in Web Time Entry.

  7. 记录保留

    Applicable records must be retained and then destroyed in accordance with the Commonwealth's 记录保留 Schedules.

  8. 负责人员

    Assistant Vice 总统 for 人力资源 and Strategic 倡议

  9. 相关信息


    大学政策 6301 - Bone Marrow and Organ Donation Leave

    大学政策 6302 - Civil and Administrative Leave for Administrative and Professional 教师, 机密的员工, 及领薪雇员

    大学政策 6304 - 军事 Leave

    大学政策 6305 - School Assistance and Volunteer 服务 Leave

    大学政策 6306 - Immediate Recognition


Policy Formulation Committee (PFC) & 负责人员 Approval to Proceed:



Policy Review Committee (PRC) Approval to Proceed:

/s/ 唐娜W. 米克斯
Chair, Policy Review Committee (PRC)

Executive Policy Review Committee (EPRC) Approval to Proceed:

/s/ 9月Sanderlin
Responsible Oversight Executive

大学法律顾问 Approval to Proceed:

/s/ 艾伦T. 威尔逊


/s/ Brian O. Hemphill, Ph值.D.







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