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1103 Establishment and Operation of Annual and Endowed 奖学金, 奖学金, 和奖品

负责监督执行官: 大学发展副校长
当前修订或创建日期: 2022年9月21日
  1. 目的

    此策略的目的是建立角色, 责任方, 设立奖学金的政策指导方针, 奖学金, 和奖品.

  2. 权威

    弗吉尼亚法典第23条.第1-1301条,经修正, grants authority to the Board of 访问ors to make rules and policies concerning the institution. 第七节.第01(a)(6)条 访客委员会章程 grants authority to the 总统 to implement the policies and procedures of the Board relating to University operations.

    弗吉尼亚法典第23条.1-2003,经修订 -权力及职责

    访问委员会政策1631 -捐赠基金的支出政策

    大学政策1100 -发展政策

    大学政策1102 -接受大学的实物礼物

  3. 定义

    验收标准 -奖学金颁发的决定因素, 奖学金或奖品包括, 但不受限制, 参加某一项目或活动, 最低绩点或班级排名, 班级水平(RESEARCH生或本科生), 在指定的专业中申报或打算主修的专业, 并在指定地点居住. 基于种族的限制, race or that otherwise involve the application of affirmative action/equal opportunity laws must be approved by 大学法律顾问 prior to establishment of the 奖.

    年度奖学金/助学金 - A contribution for an annual scholarship/奖学金 may be provided by an individual or an institution. It is an annual payment that is to be expended for scholarships/奖学金 奖ed according to criteria established by the donor, 与发展办公室合作, 须事先得到学生资助署署长的批准. 所有年度奖学金/RESEARCH金都有接受标准.

    捐赠奖学金/助学金 - 奖学金 are gift aid that may be 奖ed to undergraduate and graduate students. 奖学金是可能授予RESEARCH生的礼物援助. An endowment is a permanent fund that has been established for the purpose of providing scholarships/奖学金 for students. Endowed scholarships/奖学金 are 奖ed according to criteria established by the donor, 与发展办公室合作 须事先得到学生资助署署长的批准. 所有捐赠奖学金/RESEARCH金都有接受标准.

    礼物的援助 -不需要偿还的助学金或奖学金等资金.

    学生/教师奖品 - Student/教师 prizes may be endowed or annual and are 奖ed according to criteria established by the donor with prior approval of the Office of Development. Student prizes differ from scholarships in that students generally do not apply for them and the disbursements may be handled by the Foundation. 取决于捐赠者制定的标准, 继续注册可能不是获得奖励的条件. Prizes are 奖ed "after the fact" in that they are given to students/教师 for prior achievements in coordination with the Office of Development and individual University departments. 成就可以通过, 但不限于, 表演或艺术能力的展示, 提交书面作品, 在活动中的表现, 或者计算平均绩点. 学生/教师的所有奖项均以接受标准为准.

  4. 范围

    这项政策适用于所有员工和学生 . 员工包括所有员工, 管理员, 教师, 全职或兼职, 以及由大学支付报酬的机密或非机密人员. Students include all persons admitted to the University who have not completed a program of study for which they were enrolled; student status continues whether or not the University's programs are in session.

  5. 政策声明

    大学提供捐赠奖学金和年度奖学金, 奖学金, and student prizes in accordance with established financial and operational controls and criteria and adheres to legal standards regarding nondiscrimination. 基金开发责任, 奖, 及分配给个别大学行政单位. A written agreement with appropriate administrative approval is required in advance of establishing a scholarship, 奖学金, 或奖.

    The Director of Student 金融援助 has been delegated management authority and responsibility to monitor the endowed and annual scholarship delivery process and the acceptance and approval of all new programs, 预算流程, and the implementation of policies and procedures for the administration of these programs. Fiscal controls will be established in budgeting, 授予, and accounting processes.

  6. 程序

    1. A written agreement for scholarships, 奖学金 和奖品 must include the following statements:

      1. in which category of aid the 奖 will be aligned so that existing policies and procedures may be applied

      2. 资金的性质和来源

      3. 有资格获得奖项的接受标准

      4. 现行有效的支出政策的支出规则或一般参考

      5. the authority of the Board of Directors of the Foundations to change the criteria of the 奖 if the purpose of the 奖 no longer exists with, 只要有可能, 包括捐赠人的认可.

    2. Prior to bet8体育娱乐入口's acceptance of responsibilities to administer or develop any annual or endowed scholarship, a written agreement must bear the signature of the 总统 of the University or a Vice 总统 and the Director of Student 金融援助.

    3. Recipient selection and disbursement of funds for endowed and annual scholarships are coordinated through the 学生资助办公室.

    4. Funds may be 奖ed or disbursed before they have been received and transferred to appropriate accounts with prior approval by the Office of Development.

    5. 财政控制是在预算中确定的, 授予, 并确保会计流程具备以下条件:

      1. Donors of financial aid funds are to be assured that the conditions under which their funds were granted are being followed except as noted in 1.e. 以上.

      2. Donors of financial aid funds are to be assured that the students who receive the funds meet the 奖's criteria.

    6. Written policies and procedures for each program/奖/scholarship must be defined and regularly reviewed, 根据需要由发展办公室重新评估和修订.

  7. 记录保留

    Applicable records must be retained and then destroyed in accordance with the 联邦记录保留时间表.

  8. 负责人员


  9. 相关信息

    Board of 访问ors Policy 1810 - Naming of University Buildings, Building Spaces, or Areas


政策制订委员会 & 负责人批准进行:

/s/ 迈克尔LaRock


/s/ 唐娜W. 米克斯


/s/ 布兰登·


/s/ 艾伦T. 威尔逊


/s/ Brian O. Hemphill, Ph值.D.


December 1, 1988; February 21, 2011; August 9, 2018; 2022年9月21日





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