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Greece First Year Experience study abroad program 2014

ODU’s New Greece 出国留学 Course for Incoming Freshman One-of-a-kind in VA

A group of 10 incoming Old Dominion University freshman explored Greece this summer as part of a new study abroad program that is rare among higher education institutions nationwide and a first in Virginia.



Across Campus - A Photo Essay

After a mostly mild summer, we were throttled in recent days by a torrent of rain. 但, as the waters rose turning the trek to class into a dreary mess, some students found a way to make the best of a wet situation. Check out some of these shots from around campus. Photos by Chuck Thomas


虽然Photo by Chuck Thomas.

There's no sitting down on this job, but plenty of hanging around! 在这里, a Bartlett Tree Experts employee helps hoist a co-worker into a tree on the Williamsburg lawn, just outside Koch Hall, to perform needed maintenance.


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Enhance your college career by gaining relevant experience with the skills and knowledge needed for your future career. Discover our experiential learning opportunities.


Picture yourself in the classroom, speak with professors in your major, and meet current students.


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