

执行董事, Center for Secure 和 Intelligent Critical Systems,维吉尼亚州 建模、分析与仿真中心
教授, Department of Computational, Modeling 和 Simulation Engineering
电子邮件:sshetty AT hebhgkq.com


萨钦谢蒂 is an Executive Director for Center of Secure 和 Intelligent Critical Systems in the 维吉尼亚州 建模、分析与仿真中心 at bet8体育娱乐入口. 他与大学联合担任教授 Department of Computational, Modeling 和 Simulation Engineering  . 萨钦·谢蒂收到了他的信 PhD in Modeling 和 Simulation from the bet8体育娱乐入口 in 2007 under the supervision of 教授. 分钟的歌.   Prior to joining bet8体育娱乐入口, he was an Associate 教授essor with the Electrical 和 Computer Engineering Department at 田纳西州立大学. He was also the associate director of the Tennessee Interdisciplinary Graduate Engineering 研究 Institute 和 directed the Cyber Security laboratory at 田纳西州立大学. 他还拥有工程师的双重职位 位于印第安纳州克雷恩的海军水面作战中心. 他的研究兴趣在于 the intersection of computer networking, network security 和 machine learning. His laboratory conducts cloud 和 mobile security research 和 has received over $12 million in funding from National Science Foundation, Air Office of Scientific 研究, Air Force 研究 Lab, Office of Naval 研究, 国土安全部和波音公司. He is the site lead on the 国防部网络安全卓越中心, the Department of Homel和 Security National Center of Excellence, the Critical Infrastructure Resilience Institute (CIRI), 和 Department of Energy, Cyber Resilient Energy Delivery 联盟(CREDC). He has authored 和 coauthored over 140 research articles in journals 和 conference proceedings 和 two books. 他是富布赖特专家奖的获得者, EPRI网络安全研究挑战奖, CCI的, 国土安全部 Scientific Leadership Award 和 has been inducted in Tennessee State 大学的百万美元俱乐部. 他曾在ACM CCS技术项目委员会任职, IEEE信息通信, IEEE ICDCN, 和IEEE ICCCN. 他是IEEE的高级会员


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