
  • 专注于职业技术 训练营
  • 奖助金 & 提供奖学金
  • 无限支持,直到你找到工作





The 24-week part-time full-stack software development bootcamp can give you the hands-on training you need to change careers in weeks, ending with a portfolio-building capstone project.



Our 软件开发训练营 is a proven path to becoming an employable coder. Learn front-end and back-end programming using multiple languages and frameworks to build professional software.

我们提供无限的就业服务, our team provides you with ongoing support, 资源, and 指导 to help you navigate your career journey and achieve your professional goals.
Our career coaches will work with you to individualize your journey to a new marketing job. 从大公司到小公司, our vast employer network has job openings for our graduates to explore and get connected.


Over the course of 24 weeks you will learn how to build, test and deploy software applications using JavaScript on the client- and server-side of an application (front-end + back-end).


In the first several weeks, you will learn the basics of programming with JavaScript. You will also learn how to work with programmer tools such as the terminals, 命令行, GitHub, 文本编辑器, 以及参考文档. The following weeks will focus on functions, 数据结构, 项目组织, and solidify what you learn using bi-weekly projects.

Unit 2: Front-End Software Development

The next unit will focus on building websites and applications using a combination of HTML/CSS and JavaScript to add interactivity. 你将开始创建基本的网站, and then apply DOM scripting with vanilla JavaScript to understand how events from the user trigger behavior, 这反过来又修改了网页. You will also learn how to retrieve data from third-party sources using the browser fetch API, and understand how AJAX allows for powerful integration with other services. The unit will conclude with a section covering how you use a front-end library such as React.js to create modular component based applications.


This unit of the course will teach you the software development concepts and practices used in the industry; you will become comfortable building back-end servers and APIs which send data to browsers. 您将使用Express.js for the server layer and MongoDB for the database. This will assist you in understanding how data is generated and sent to a client for presentation to the user.

Unit 4: Full-Stack Software Development

This unit will teach you how to integrate the two sides of a web application, 前端和后端, into a consistent experience for the user. You will be challenged to think on multiple levels at the same time, and apply what you have learned to the construction of an application that sends data from one user to another, 在实时.


This is where you will build, think, and work on a complete project. Your project will be developed with a team of your peers and will provide an in-depth understanding of project management, how to work in an Agile project life-cycle, and refine the skills that you learned in class by building a functioning web application that you can deploy to real users and visit at a domain name.



Find specific information on program content here.

学费,资助 & 奖学金



We don't want financing to get in the way of your new career. Let us know if you need tuition assistance and we will find a solution that works for you!






3或6个月分期付款. Payments due at the beginning of each month.


我们的训练营, which features hands-on training and industry expert mentorship, is the quickest and most effective way to start a career in the rapidly expanding tech field.


Our expert instructors guide your learning, providing you the opportunity to ask questions, collaborate with others and have a personalized learning experience.


You'll spend the bootcamp working alongside your peers to build real technology; we prefer to teach through projects and exercises rather than walking our students through textbooks.


We track learning outcomes and student job placement to measure the effectiveness of our programs and support our learners in achieving their career goals.


A wide range of 资源 will help you launch your next career, including unlimited 1-on-1 career coaching, 现场研讨会, 以及详细的在线资源!

获取程序信息 for ODU's Tech Training Program



1-on-1 career coaching and 现场研讨会 are just some of the career 资源 provided for our students!


The advanced software engineering professionals you'll have access to as part of the program will give you actionable steps in the realm of resume and LinkedIn skills, 还有面试策略.


Finding a job at the intersection of your interests and skillset can be difficult, but it's a lot easier with our experienced career counselors providing individual assistance!


在你的新同事之间, 网络事件, 和导师见面, our career services make your next step possible.