Banner General Student


联系 the 横幅热线.

This video introduces new users to the Banner General Student Module. Viewers will learn how to access information on students. Topics covered include how to do a name search if you do not have the UIN, determine the gender and marital status of a student; determine the admissions status of a student (including missing credentials); view test scores; see if a student has a declared major; determine if a student has holds and what they are; view transcripts; 审查 course registrations for a specific semester by student; view a class roster; view academic history; and find out if a student has applied for graduation and/or graduated.

观众: Individuals responsible for accessing student records or those who input student information.

先决条件: Banner Basics handout 审查

提示: 横幅的培训s are NOT required to obtain access to the system. To request a Banner Account, visit the Online 服务s/Account Requests 页面 for step-by-step instructions and 审查 our 如何做视频在这里. For a complete list of all Banner Accesses available, visit the 横幅XE 页面.

All Banner-related questions should be directed to the 横幅热线 at

我们鼓励 反馈 on our 培训 Program!

培训讲义 & 材料

  • It is recommended that you read and 审查 the training materials located under the Banner Basics link prior to taking this class!
  • Download your training materials if you would like to follow along and make notes on the materials. No materials are provided in class.
  • You may want to number your handouts (i.e., Handout #1 would be Is the Student on Banner, SPAIDEN/SOAIDEN).
  1. Banner General Student Form Guide
  2. General Person Identification Form (SPAIDEN, SOAIDEN, & SOAIDNS) & 电视指南 在这里
  3. General Person Form (SPAPERS) & 电视指南 在这里
  4. 入学s Application Form (SAAADMS) & 电视指南 在这里
  5. 入学s Application Summary Form (SAASUMI) & 电视指南 在这里
  6. General Student Form (SGASTDN) & 电视指南 在这里
  7. Email Address Form (GOAEMAL) & 电视指南 在这里
  8. Prior College Form (SOAPCOL) & 电视指南 在这里
  9. Test Score Information Form (SOATEST) & 电视指南 在这里
  10. High School Information Form (SOAHSCH) & 电视指南 在这里
  11. Hold Information Form (SOAHOLD) & 电视指南 在这里
  12. Registration Query Form (SFAREGQ) & 电视指南 在这里
  13. Class Roster Form (SFASLST) & Schedule Section Query Form (SSASECQ) & 电视指南 在这里
  14. Transfer Course Information Form (SHATRNS) & 电视指南 在这里
  15. Term Sequence Course 历史 Form (SHATERM) & 电视指南 在这里
  16. Subject Sequence 历史 Form (SHASUBJ) & 电视指南 在这里
  17. Course Summary Form (SHACRSE) & 电视指南 在这里
  18. Degrees and Other Formal Awards Form (SHADEGR) & 电视指南 在这里