Establishing a Budget Code for 奖助金 & 合同

New 奖助金/合同 必须 have a budget code established.

New ledger 5 Grant/Contract budgets require approvals of the Vice President for 研究 and the 财务办公室 基金会计. Prior to any grant application being submitted to a grantor agency/organization, the 研究处 必须 review and approve the application to verify that the University can comply with the requirements stated in the award documentation.

Budget (组织) codes are established to record accounting transactions for each grant by award year.

Once the award notice is received, the Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for completing the 申请新的预算单位.

  • 发送完成的文件 申请新的预算单位 Form to the Vice President for 研究 or the bet8体育娱乐入口 研究 Foundation (ODURF).
  • The Vice President for 研究 or the bet8体育娱乐入口 研究 Foundation (ODURF) will review and forward the form to 总会计.
  • The Grant Accountant and the Financial Reporting Supervisor will review all awards and supporting documentation to ensure that the required data and proper approvals are completed before pre-assigning the account number.
    • New Awards - the Grant Accountant will assign the number
    • Renewals - A new org account number is assigned by the Grant Accountant. The last digits will change with the FY if possible. The fund number remains the same.
  • Upon completion and approval of the 申请新的预算单位 Form, the Project Directors and ODU研究基金会, 如果适用的话, are notified of their respective budget number.
  • A copy of the grant budget is submitted to the Budget 办公室 for processing.
  • The responsible individuals 必须 request the appropriate Banner access and be added to the 主签名表.


Individuals 必须 be on the 主签名表 in order to sign against budget codes at University 服务 areas. The Finance Systems Manager is responsible for maintaining the 主签名表 for bet8体育娱乐入口. To add individuals to the 主签名表, submit the Request to be Added to the 主签名表 form. The Budget Unit Director (芽) for the budget (or an authorized 芽 delegate) should approve the request.

Attach continuation sheets to add additional names to the signature list for the same budget. 继续表 必须 be submitted with the approval page.

If the person to be added to the 主签名表 is the Budget Unit Director, someone higher in the organizational structure 必须 approve the request. Individuals may NOT sign the request form to approve themselves.

NOTE: Signature authority will only be granted to bet8体育娱乐入口 employees.

A list of some areas that use the 主签名表 for authorization purposes is shown below.

For full information about the 主签名表►



Departmental staff who have responsibility for monitoring budget information in Banner 必须 obtain a Banner account. The following accesses are available to those individuals with the appropriate approvals. Be sure to list all budgets for which you need access.

NOTE: If you move to another department, you 必须 request access with the appropriate departmental approvals. Your Banner account will be suspended until the new access is requested and approved.

预算监测/研究- FIN_EVERYONE Banner access allows a user to review most financial inquiry forms associated with budget monitoring, 海图代码验证, and disbursement transaction research. Available to those who monitor budgets.

其他财务渠道- There are other financial access classifications available to the general campus. 参观 ITS访问页面 to view a complete list of all Banner融资渠道 Classes available.

芽审计 - ITS initiates an annual audit of Banner access - please refer to 芽 & 数据所有者帐户审计 的信息.

For full information about Banner融资渠道 ►

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