
横幅通道-一般校园 函数
管理服务 查询账户,以便对经济援助问题作出适当的回应. 根据需要修改系统说明. 仅限负责此职能的行政事务处工作人员使用.
一般的学生 查询账户跟踪、包装和支付历史.
浏览横幅-行政管理 函数
埃德处理 建立和维护EDE数据负载, 修正, and Pell Payment Processing; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff who are responsible for this function.
申请人处理 建立 and Maintain 申请人处理; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff responsible for this function.
需要分析 建立 and Maintain 需要分析 Processing; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff responsible for this function.
需求跟踪 建立 and Maintain 需求跟踪; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff who are responsible for this function.
预算 建立 and Maintain 金融援助 Student Budgets; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff who are responsible for this function.
包装 建立 and Maintain 金融援助 包装; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff who are responsible for this function.
直接贷款电子处理 建立 and Maintain Direct Loan Processing; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff who are responsible for this function.
支付 建立 and Maintain 金融援助 支付s and 支付 Process; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff responsible for this function.
基金管理 建立 and Maintain 金融援助 Funds; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff who are responsible for this function.
历史和成绩单 建立 and Maintain 历史和成绩单; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff who are responsible for this function.
FA常用功能 建立 and Maintain Common 函数s; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff who are responsible for this function.
学生就业 建立 and Maintain 学生就业; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff who are responsible for this function.
咨询的处理 建立 and Maintain 咨询的处理; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff who are responsible for this function.
信件生成过程 建立 and Maintain the 信件生成过程; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff who are responsible for this function.
SAP处理 建立 and Maintain the Satisfactory Academic Progress standard; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff who are responsible for this function.
网站的更新 建立 and Maintain the 金融援助 WEB module; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff responsible for this function.
人口选择 建立, create and modify the 金融援助 Office population selections as required; restricted to 金融援助 Office staff responsible for this function.