Civil 工程技术

Civil Engineering Department

土木工程技术专业是由ABET的工程技术认证委员会(ETAC)认可的,, under the General Criteria and the Civil 工程技术 Program Criteria. CET students take electives in the following areas: Construction Management, 结构设计, 及地盘发展.

该课程的学生为在建筑中从事广泛的专业和技术职位做好准备, 咨询工程, 测量 and site development industries. 研究生s are eligible to take the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, the first step to licensure as a professional engineer. CET courses include topics such as computer-aided drafting, 静力学, 材料强度, 材料测试, 测量, 建筑施工, steel and concrete 设计, 土壤和地基, and hydrology and drainage.

B.S. 土木工程技术学位课程(CET)提供符合国家卓越标准的高质量学位课程. It is a significant component of the University's commitment to 科学, 技术, 工程, 和数学, which are fields of major importance to the region.

Through the University's distance learning program, 大学英语考试项目为整个州和其他地方的技术人员提供了机会,以提高他们的教育和追求学士学位水平的研究.

同时, 该计划支持通识教育的组成部分,培养全面发展的毕业生,了解社会需求和问题.

该领域的高级选修课通过提供来自多个学科的知识和技能的结合,为学生在建筑行业的职业生涯做好准备. In addition to the basic technical skills in structures, materials, fluids, 等., students take courses in scheduling, 项目管理, 成本估算, sustainable building 设计, and other topics that enable projects to be completed on schedule and within budget. These graduates are employed at both large and small companies as 项目工程师, 现场工程师, assistant superintendents, 估计, 调度器, and similar 建设 related positions.

该领域的高级选修课为学生在公共和私营部门的职业生涯做好准备. In addition to the basic technical skills in 静力学, 材料强度, 结构分析, 等., students take courses in computer applications in structural 设计, 钢结构, 钢筋混凝土, 木质设计. 这些毕业生在大大小小的公司都找到了设计工程师的工作, 项目工程师, 结构工程师, and similar structural related positions.

Senior electives in this area prepare students to develop survey plans, prepare subdivision plats, 设计 site improvements, obtain approvals and entitlements, and provide turn-key services to manage developments. Students take course work in hydrology & 排水、土地设计 & development, and water resources 工程. 这些毕业生受雇于政府机构、工程公司和测量公司.

该领域的高级选修课通过提供来自多个学科的知识和技能的结合,为学生在建筑行业的职业生涯做好准备. In addition to the basic technical skills in structures, materials, fluids, 等., students take courses in scheduling, 项目管理, 成本估算, sustainable building 设计, and other topics that enable projects to be completed on schedule and within budget. These graduates are employed at both large and small companies as 项目工程师, 现场工程师, assistant superintendents, 估计, 调度器, and similar 建设 related positions.

该领域的高级选修课为学生在公共和私营部门的职业生涯做好准备. In addition to the basic technical skills in 静力学, 材料强度, 结构分析, 等., students take courses in computer applications in structural 设计, 钢结构, 钢筋混凝土, 木质设计. 这些毕业生在大大小小的公司都找到了设计工程师的工作, 项目工程师, 结构工程师, and similar structural related positions.

Senior electives in this area prepare students to develop survey plans, prepare subdivision plats, 设计 site improvements, obtain approvals and entitlements, and provide turn-key services to manage developments. Students take course work in hydrology & 排水、土地设计 & development, and water resources 工程. 这些毕业生受雇于政府机构、工程公司和测量公司.


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土木工程技术(CET)课程的使命是维持高质量的本科课程学习,从而获得工程技术学士学位. The program prepares graduates to become certified in their area of specialization. 土木工程技术是大学致力于科学的重要组成部分, 工程 and 技术, particularly in structural 设计, 建设, site development and related fields, which are of major importance to civilization. 世界各地的学生都能够通过大学的远程学习计划扩大机会,以提高他们的教育和追求学士学位水平的研究. 同时, 该计划支持通识教育的组成部分,培养全面发展的毕业生,他们意识到并能够解决社会需求和问题.

大学英语专业毕业生将能够解决的典型技术问题包括:建筑和非建筑类型的结构以及施工操作. 典型的技术任务是:规划和设计, field testing and inspection, on-site technical coordination and control, and other tasks relevant to one's emphasis area.

土木工程技术(CET)计划的目标是准备毕业生在多样化和全球环境中成为成功的工程专业人士. 毕业生应具备基于科学和技术原理的批判性推理能力和持续学习的倾向.


  1. Identify and solve increasingly complex technical problems, both theoretically and practically, as raised by continually evolving technologies and industry needs and practices.
  2. 让受过教育的, 负责任的, and ethical decisions in response to the needs of the profession and society, with these decisions solidly grounded in 科学 and 工程 fundamentals.
  3. 作为技术团队的一员或领导者有效地工作,并清楚地传达想法,从而取得成功的团队成果. 

The civil 工程 技术 program has adopted, after deliberations by its constituents, 五名土木工程技术理学学士学位课程的学生成绩. These outcomes are listed below:

  1. An ability to apply knowledge, 技术, skills and modern tools of mathematics, 科学, 工程, 和技术,以解决广泛定义的工程问题,适合该学科.
  2. An ability to 设计 systems, 组件, 或满足特定需求的过程,以满足广泛定义的工程问题,适合于该学科.
  3. An ability to apply written, 口服, and graphical communication in broadly-defined technical and non-technical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature.
  4. An ability to conduct standard tests, 测量, and experiments and to analyze and interpret the results to improve processes.
  5. An ability to function effectively as a member or leader on a technical teams..

Degrees Conferred and 招生

Message from the Program Director

欢迎来到Old Dominion University,感谢您对我们的土木工程技术(CET)课程感兴趣. The CET program currently offers three options, Construction Management, 结构设计, 及地盘发展. The CET program is accredited. 因此, 我们的毕业生可以参加全国工程与测量考试委员会(NCEES)的执照考试,如工程基础(FE)和专业工程(PE)。. 工程技术系鼓励学生在大四期间参加FE考试.

CET课程侧重于土木工程原理的应用和实践. 我们课程的毕业生将具备进入规划行业所需的技术和管理技能, 设计, 建设, 操作, and maintenance of infrastructure systems.

A large variety of courses are offered in our curriculum. 有效的书面, 口服, 在整个课程中,图形通信与计算机知识一起被强调. To satisfy the upper-division general education requirements, 我们鼓励学生辅修工程管理或机械工程技术. 该计划在高级设计项目中达到高潮,该项目将课程工作与学生专注领域的实际项目作业相结合.