
Nikos Chrisochoides

3321年同上 & 综合科学大厦
诺福克 , 23529年

Ph.D. in 计算机科学, Purdue University, (1992)

M.S. in Mathematics, Purdue University, (1987)

B.S. in Mathematics, Aristotle University, (1984)

Contracts, 奖助金 and Sponsored 研究

Chrisochoides N. "Extreme-Scale Parallel Mesh Generation: CFD 2030 Vision" $62,500. 联邦. August 20, 2015 - August 19, 2018
Chrisochoides N. 切尔尼科夫,A. "Scalable Software Framework And Algorithms For Parallel Mesh Generation" $89,110. 商业. September 1, 2016 - August 31, 2017
Chrisochoides N. "IC_国际 Conference" $3,000. 商业. June 21, 2016 - December 31, 2016


Chrisochoides N. 切尔尼科夫,A. (2009). A Template for Developing Next Generation Parallel Delaunay Refinement Methods. Special Issue of Finite Element Analysis and Design.
Chrisochoides N. 切尔尼科夫,A. (2009). Generalized 2D Delaunay Mesh Refinement. SIAM Journal for Scientific.
Chrisochoides N.安东诺普洛斯,C.布拉戈耶维奇,F.切尔尼科夫,A. 尼古罗普洛斯博士. (2009). A Multigrain Delaunay Mesh Generation Method for Multicore SMT-based Architectures. Journal of Parallel and Distributed.
Chrisochoides N.安东诺普洛斯,C.布拉戈耶维奇,F.切尔尼科夫,A. 尼古罗普洛斯博士. (2009). Algorithm Software and Hardware Optimizations for Delaunay Mesh Generation on Simultaneous. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems.
Chrisochoides N.乔希,B.费多罗夫,A.沃菲尔德,南卡罗来纳州. 和我们自己,S. (2008). A Quantitative Assessment of Approaches to Mesh Generation for Surgical 模拟. Engineering with Computers 24 (4) , pp. 417-430.
Chrisochoides N. 林纳达基斯,L. (2008). Graded Delaunay Decoupling Method for Parallel Guaranteed Quality Planar Mesh Generation. SIAM Journal for Scientific Computing 30 (4) , pp. 1875-1891.
Chrisochoides N.b、b、c. 费多罗夫,A. (2008). The Use of Robust Local Hausdorff Distances in Accuracy Assessment for Image Alignment of Brain MRI. 洞察杂志 一月至六月.
Chrisochoides N. 林纳达基斯,L. (2008). A Static Medial Axis Domain Decomposition for 2D Geometries. ACM Transactions of Mathematical Software 34 (1).
Chrisochoides N. 切尔尼科夫,A. (2008). Parallel 2D Constrained Delaunay Mesh Generation. ACM Transactions of Mathematical Software 34 (1).
Chrisochoides N.纽约州阿奇普市.Clatz, O.费多罗夫,A.A.惠伦,S.D .卡切尔.乔尔斯,F.戈尔比,A.,黑色,P. 和南卡罗来纳州的沃菲尔德. (2007). Non-rigid allignment of preoperative MRI, RI, DT-MRI, with intra-operative MRI for enhanced. 科学杂志 35 (2.1) , pp. 609-624.
Chrisochoides N.伊藤,Y., Shih, A.埃鲁卡拉,A.B.切尔尼科夫,A. Nakahashi, K. (2007). Parallel Unstructured Mesh Generation by an Advancing Front Method. Mathematics and Computers in 模拟 77 (6-6) , pp. 200-209.
Chrisochoides N. 林纳达基斯,L. (2006). Delaunay Decoupling Method for Parallel Guaranteed Quality Planar Mesh Generation. SIAM Journal for Scientific Computing 27 (4) , pp. 1394-1423.
Chrisochoides N.Staubs, R.费多罗夫,A.林纳达基斯,L. 本杰明,D。. (2006). Parallel 3D Exact Signed Euclidean Distance Transform. 洞察杂志 七月至十二月.
Chrisochoides N. 切尔尼科夫,A. (2006). Parallel Guaranteed Quality Planar Delaunay Mesh Refinement by Concurrent Point Insertion. SIAM Journal for Scientific Computing 28 (5) , pp. 1907-1926.
Chrisochoides N.里瓦拉,M.卡尔德隆,C. 费多罗夫,A. (2006). Parallel Decoupled Refinement Method for Tetrahedral Meshes Using Terminal-Edge Bisection Algorithm. Engineering with Computers 22 (2) , pp. 111-119.
Fedorov,.Chrisochoides, n.n.比基尼,n.n. 和南卡罗来纳州的沃菲尔德. (2005). Tetrahedral Mesh Generation for Medical Imaging. 洞察杂志 2005 MICCAI Open-Source Workshop.


Drakopoulos F.,姚,C.刘毅. 克里索霍伊德,n.n. (2017). An evaluation of adaptive biomechanical non-rigid registration for brain glioma resection using image-guided neurosurgery Computational Biomechanics for Medicine: From Algorithms to Models and Applications (pp. 111-122) New York, NY: Springer.
Audette, M.切尔尼科夫,A. 克里索霍伊德,n.n. (2012). A Review of Mesh Generation for Medical Simulators Handbook of Real World Applications in 建模 and 模拟 威利.
Chrisochoides N.费多罗夫,A.A.刘毅.Clatz, O.,黑色,P. M. .戈尔比,A. J. . 比基尼,R. (2009). Toward Improved Tumor Targeting for Image Guided Neurosurgery with Intra-operative Parametric DDDAS Book, 施普林格-.
Chrisochoides N. (2005). Parallel Mesh Generation (pp. 237-259) Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations onParallel Computers, (Eds. Are Magnus Bruaset, Aslak Tveito), Springer-Verlag .
Chrisochoides N. (2001). New approach to parallel mesh generation and partitioning problem (pp. 319-344) West Lafayette, IN: Computational.
Chrisochoides N.巴登,南卡罗来纳州.甘农,D. 诺曼,M。. (1999). Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Grid Methods Mathematics and its Applications, Springer-Verlag.


Chrisochoides N.刘毅.,姚,C. 周,L. A Point Based Non-Rigid Registration For Tumor Resection Using iMRI IEEE 国际 Symposium on 生物医学 Imaging (ISBI).
Chrisochoides N.刘毅.费多罗夫,A. 比基尼,R. (2009). Real-time Non-rigid Registration of Medical Images on a Cooperative Parallel Architecture Washington D.C.: Proceedings of IEEE 国际 Conference on Bioinformatics & 生物医学.
  • 2010: Richard T. Cheng Endowed Chair, bet8体育娱乐入口
  • 2007: John Simon Guggenheim Award in Medicine and 健康,
  • 2004: 校友 Memorial Distinguished Associate Professor of 计算机科学, College of William and Mary
  • 2004: 校友 Memorial Distinguished Professorship, College of William and Mary
  • 1999: Career Award, National Science Foundation
  • 1992: Alex Nason, Postdoctoral Computational Science Fellowship, Syracuse University
  • 1989: David Ross, 研究生 学生的研究 Fellowship, Purdue University