教授 & 临时负责人

Mileta Tomovic

诺福克 , 23529年

Dr. Tomovic received BS in 机械工程 from University of Belgrade, 麻省理工学院机械工程硕士, and PhD in 机械工程 from University of Michigan. Dr. Tomovic is currently serving as Chair of 工程技术 Department, F. 巴顿工程学院 and 技术, bet8体育娱乐入口, Norfolk, VA.

在加入ODU之前. Tomovic had seventeen years of teaching and research experience at 普渡大学, with emphasis on development and delivery of manufacturing curriculum, 进行应用研究, 以及与印第安纳州工业的合作. 在普渡大学(普渡大学)期间. 托莫维奇曾担任W. C. 弗纳斯卓越企业教授, 大学教员学者, 数字企业中心主任, 高级制造学院院长特别助理.

He has co-authored one textbook on materials and manufacturing processes that has been adopted by over 50 national and international institutions of higher education. 除了, he has authored or co-authored over 60 papers in journals and conference proceedings, focused on applied research related to design and manufacturability issues, as well as issues related to mechanical engineering technology education. Dr. Tomovic made over 20 invited presentations nationally and internationally on the issues of design optimization and manufacturability. 他是四项专利的合著者, and over 100 technical reports on practical industrial problems related to product design and manufacturing process improvements.

He has been actively involved in the development of a manufacturing laboratory, 为此他获得了超过4美元的礼物和资金.700万年. 此外,Dr。. Tomovic has been very actively involved in applied research, and has been a PI or Co-PI on several funded competitive grants exceeding $6.300万年. 除了, he has been engaged with industry in solving manufacturing problems. The estimated savings to Indiana industry, resulting from Dr. Tomovic的建议, exceed $5 million over the ten years that he has been actively engaged with Technical Assistance Program, 普渡大学. Dr. Tomovic is also serving as Honorary 访问ing 教授 at Beihang University, Beijing, 中国.

Ph.D. 密歇根大学机械工程专业,(1991)

M.S. in 机械工程, Massachusetts Institute of 技术, (1981)

B.S. in 机械工程, University of Belgrade, (1979)


沃森,G. S.D . DePaor.莫里斯,J.莫里森,G. R. 和托莫维奇,M. M. "MRI: Development of an Integrated Multidirectional Planetarium Projection System for 研究 into Effective Full-Dome Immersive Virtual Environments" $793,200. 联邦. 2009年7月1日- 2011年6月30日




设计, 制造系统和流程, 产品生命周期管理, 系统动力学与控制.


苗,我.,王,S.Tomovic, M. M. 赵,Z. (2017). Compound line-of-sight nonlinear path following control of underactuated marine vehicles exposed to wind, 波, 还有洋流. 非线性动力学 89 (4) , pp. 2441--2459.
Tomovic, M. M. (2007). Analysis and design of a high-speed projector for environmentally sustainable micro and nanoparticle deposition. Int. J. 的Nanomanufacturing.
Tomovic, M. M. (2004). 金属铸造工艺选择方法. 材料杂志 & 制造业.
Tomovic, M. M. (2003). 涉及薄截面的设计问题. 现代的铸件 , pp. 50-51.
Tomovic, M. M. (2003). 经济取心的设计:第二部分. 现代的铸件 , pp. 50-51.
Tomovic, M. M. (2003). 不等截面铸件的设计. 现代的铸件 , pp. 40-41.
Tomovic, M. M. (2003). 设计薄片. 现代的铸件 , pp. 55-56.
Tomovic, M. M. (2002). 经济取心的设计:第一部分. 现代的铸件 , pp. 44-45.
Tomovic, M. M. (2002). 经济型成型设计. 工程铸造解决方案 , pp. 90-91 .
Tomovic, M. M. (1998). 计算机模拟在铸模教学中的应用. 计算机教育杂志 , pp. 20-22.
Tomovic, M. M. (1996). Simulink帮助学生专注于物理. 计算机教育杂志 , pp. 14-17.


Tomovic, M. M. 哈丁,B. A. (1997). 铸造实践. 在现代起草实践和标准手册(页. pp K4.3.1 - K4.3.24) Schenectady, NY: Genium Publishing.
布鲁斯,R. 格雷格. 和托莫维奇,M. M. (1997). 现代材料和制造工艺.


Tomovic, M. M.Tomovic, C.约万诺维奇,V. 林,C. (2017). 应用ing technology to improve student learning outcomes in dynamics course ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.
约万诺维奇,V.卡西洛迪斯,P.朱里奇,A.Tomovic, M. M. 斯托特,T. B. (2017). Developing a curriculum for marine mechatronics technicians ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.
Tomovic, M. M.Tomovic, C.约万诺维奇,V.,林,C.姚,N. 卡西洛迪斯,P. (2017). Integrative experiences through modeling and simulation of mechatronic systems ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.
Tomovic, M. M. (1988). Control of arc length for a consumable electrode welding system. Minneapolis, MN: Proceedings of the USA-Japan Symposium on Flexible Automation.
Tomovic, M. M. (1984). On the design of organizational structures for command and control. San Diego, CA: Proceedings of the Command, Communication, and Control Conference.


Tomovic, M. M. ( 2007). Core Competencies for Product Realization 教育 Beihang University; Beijing, 中国.
Tomovic, M. M. ( 2007). Comprehensive 工程 设计 教育 on 支持 of Knowledge Based Economy NAtional Association for Workforce Improvement Annual Conference Chicago, IL.
Tomovic, M. M. ( 2006). 产品生命周期管理 through 国际 Collaboration Beihang University; Beijing, 中国.
Tomovic, M. M. ( 2005). 产品生命周期管理 through 国际 Collaboration ITESM Monterrey, Mexico.
Tomovic, M. M. ( 2004). 先进制造,上海,中国.
Tomovic, M. M. ( 2004). 先进制造上海,中国.
Tomovic, M. M. ( 2004). Center for Advanced 制造业-普渡大学 Beijing, 中国.
Tomovic, M. M. ( 2004). Methodology for Materials and 制造业 Process Selection Dublin, Ireland.
  • 2007年:北京航空航天大学名誉客座教授
  • 2006: Nomination for Great Wall Friendship Award of Beijing,
  • 2006: Seeds for Success, 研究 Award , 普渡大学
  • 2006年:辛克莱社区学院访问学者
  • 2006: 访问ing Scholar “111 Program”, Chinese Ministry of Science and 教育
  • 2005: Distinguished 服务 Award, American Foundry Society
  • 2005: Program Director’s 研究 and Development Award , American Metalcasting Consortium
  • 2005年,北京大学访问学者
  • 2005: “Seeds for Success,” 研究 Award , 普渡大学
  • 2004年:普渡大学教师学者
  • 2004: Hudson Institute Summer 教师 Fellow, Hudson Institute
  • 2003: W. C. 富纳斯卓越企业讲座教授,
  • 2002: Program Director’s Award, American Metalcasting Consortium
  • 2002年:共和党企业家金奖;
  • 2001年获雷维特奖提名.,
  • 2001: Outstanding Tenured 教师 in the Mechanical 工程技术 Department, 普渡大学
  • 2001: Shepard Award for Best Paper, Steel Founder’s Society of America.
  • 1997年:《bet8体育娱乐入口》,“世界上谁是谁。,“美国名人录。,“中西部的名人录。,“侯爵名人录出版社”,
  • 1995: Outstanding Non-tenured 教师 in the MET Department, 普渡大学,
  • 1992: Outstanding Non-tenured 教师 in the MET Department, 普渡大学