副教授 & J. 罗伯特·斯蒂勒杰出植物学教授


239年海洋 & 物理建筑物
诺福克 , 23529年

Ph.D. 进化、生态学 & 有机体生物学,俄亥俄州立大学,(2002)


华莱士,我. “在生物多样性热点地区,植物-细菌共生是否更加多样化??" $22,792. 私人. -
华莱士,我. "Characterizing the geography and diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria through analysis of key genes involved in host communication and nitrogen fixation " $25,000. 私人. -






由D. S.迪尔,S. V.库克先生.华莱士,L.西姆斯,L. L.沃森,C. 贝尔德,R. E. (2018). 一个疫霉属的时间和地点变异. 在一个森林社区的城市排水和溪流径流系统. 东南部的博物学家.
McGlaughlin, M. E.莱利,L.海伦纳姆,K. 华莱士,L。. 海峡岛阿克米蓬(豆科)是否形成有凝聚力的进化群体?. 北美西部博物学家.
华莱士,我.惠勒,G. L..McGlaughlin, M. E..布雷索瓦,G. 海伦纳姆,K. (2017). Phylogeography and genetic structure of endemic Acmispon argophyllus and Acmispon dendroideus (Fabaceae) across the California Channel Islands. 美国植物学杂志 104 (5) , pp. 743-756.
Challagundla L. 华莱士,L。. (2016). A re-evaluation of the taxonomic status of Haplopappus ravenii using morphological and genetic data. Madrono 63 (3) , pp. 220-233.
纳尔逊,G.斯威尼,P.华莱士,L.雷贝勒,R. K..奥拉德,D.布朗,H.卡特,J. 理查德。.登斯洛,M. W..埃尔伍德,E. R..,德国-奥布里,C. C..吉尔伯特,E.吉莱斯皮,E.政府,L. R..莱格勒,B.Marchant, D. 布莱恩.马西科,T. D..莫里斯,A. B..Murrell, Z.纳泽尔,M.Neefus, C.奥伯瑞特,S.保罗·D.Ruhfel, B. R.., Sasek, T.肖,J.Soltis, P. S..沃森,K.周,A. 玛斯特,A. R.. (2015). 植物、藻类和真菌的平板和包的数字化工作流程. 植物科学应用 3 (9) , pp. 1500065.
惠勒克. L..多曼,H. E..布坎南,A.查拉冈德拉,L. 华莱士,L。. (2014). 流行情况综述, 实用程序, 以及利用叶绿体简单重复序列进行植物生物学研究的注意事项. 植物科学应用 2 (12) , pp. 1400059.
Mcglaughlin, M. E..华莱士,L.惠勒,G. L..布雷索瓦,G.莱利,L.布里顿,n.n. R.. 海伦纳姆,K. (2014). Do the island biogeography predictions of MacArthur and Wilson hold when examining genetic diversity on the near mainland California Channel Islands? 豆科特有种豆属植物的属例. 林奈学会植物学杂志 174 (3) , pp. 289-304.
Adhikari B. 华莱士,L。. (2014). Does the Platanthera dilatata (Orchidaceae) complex contain cryptic species or continuously variable populations?. 植物分类学与进化 300 (6) , pp. 1465-1476.
Lucardi R. D..华莱士,L. 欧文,G. N.. (2014). Evaluating hybridization as a potential facilitator of successful cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) invasion in Florida, 美国. 生物入侵 16 (10) , pp. 2147-2161.
Colosimo G.纳普,C. R..华莱士,L. 和韦尔奇先生。. E.. (2014). Inferred vs realized patterns of gene flow: an analysis of population structure in the Andros Island Rock Iguana. 《网站登录》 9 (9).
Lucardi R. D..华莱士,L. 欧文,G. N.. (2014). Invasion success in Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica): a population genetic approach exploring genetic diversity and historical introductions. 入侵植物科学与管理 7 (1) , pp. 59-75.
多尔曼,H. E..McGlaughlin, M. E.. 华莱士,L。. (2014). NSP1的广泛变异, 根瘤菌结瘤的基因, 来自不同生境的豆科豆属植物. 植物学 92 (8) , pp. 571-578.
华莱士,我. 和多菲特,C. H.. (2013). Genetic structure of the mesic forest-adapted herbs Trillium cuneatum and Trillium stamineum (Melanthiaceae) in the south-central United States. 齿栗叶 78 (2) , pp. 154-162.
Talve T.McGlaughlin, M. E.海伦纳姆,K.华莱士,L. 奥佳,T. (2013). 犀牛属植物群体遗传多样性及种间亲缘关系. 基于微卫星标记. 植物生物学.
贝尔德,R.华莱士,L.贝克,G. 斯克鲁格斯先生. (2013). 美国东南部温带的一种有刺的水螅类真菌. 真菌多样性 62 (1) , pp. 41-114.
贝尔德,R. E..华莱士,L. 贝克,G。. (2013). 美国南部的刺状水螅1:密西西比黄柏. Mycotaxon 123 , pp. 183-191.
惠勒克. L..McGlaughlin, M. E.. 华莱士,L。. (2012). 豆科豆属植物变长叶绿体标记的群体遗传研究. 美国植物学杂志 99 (10) , pp. E408-E410.
华莱士,我.Culley T. M..韦勒,S. G..酒井,A. K..Kuenzi, A.罗伊,T.瓦格纳,W。. L.. Nepokroeff, M. (2011). Asymmetrical gene flow in a hybrid zone of Hawaiian Schiedea (Caryophyllaceae) species with contrasting mating systems. 《网站登录》 6 (9).
Kiesow,. M.华莱士,L. 布里顿,H. B. (2011). 北方鼯鼠5个微卫星位点的鉴定与分离, 海绿虱(海绿虱科, 啮齿目). 北美西部博物学家 71 , pp. 553-556.
Willyard,.华莱士,L.瓦格纳,W。. L..韦勒,S. G..酒井,A. K.. Nepokroeff, M. (2011). Estimating the species tree for Hawaiian Schiedea (Caryophyllaceae) from multiple loci in the presence of reticulate evolution. 分子系统发育与进化 60 (1) , pp. 29-48.
Marsico T. D..华莱士,L.欧文,G. N..布鲁克斯,C。. P..麦克卢尔,J. E.. 和韦尔奇先生。. E.. (2011). Geographic patterns of genetic diversity from the native range of Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) support the documented history of invasion and multiple introductions for invasive populations. 生物入侵 13 (4) , pp. 857-868.
McGlaughlin, M. E..莱利,L.华莱士,L. 海伦纳姆,K. (2011). Isolation of microsatellite loci from endangered members of Lotus (Fabaceae) subgenus Syrmatium. 保护遗传资源 3 (1) , pp. 117-121.
韦尔奇,M. E.., Long, G. 6月.伯克,J. W..答:A. H..格伯,G. P.. 华莱士,L。. (2011). cyclora carinata 29个多态微卫星位点, 特克斯和凯科斯群岛的鬣蜥, 一种极度濒危的地方性岛屿. 保护遗传资源 3 (2) , pp. 209-212.
华莱士,我. 海伦纳姆,K. (2009). Has herbivory negatively impacted genetic variability in the flora of the California Channel Islands? 加利福尼亚横藓(横藓科)的新发现. 国际植物科学杂志 170 (3) , pp. 311-322.
Furches, M. S.华莱士,L. 海伦纳姆,K. (2009). High genetic divergence characterizes populations of the endemic plant Lithophragma maximum (Saxifragaceae) on San Clemente Island. 保护遗传学 10 , pp. 115-126.
琼斯,P. H.华莱士,L. 布里顿,H. B. (2009). 毛蝗11个微卫星位点的分离与鉴定, 森林鼠疫的一种常见媒介. . 分子生态资源 9 , pp. 1041-1044.
华莱士,我.韦勒,S. G..瓦格纳,W。. L..酒井,A. K.. Nepokroeff, M. (2009). Phylogeographic patterns and demographic history of Schiedea globosa (Caryophyllaceae) on the Hawaiian Islands. 美国植物学杂志 96 (5) , pp. 958-967.
Mcglaughlin, M. E..华莱士,L. 海伦纳姆,K. (2008). 濒危植物苔科小叶菜微卫星位点的分离. 分子生态资源 8 (2) , pp. 367-369.
华莱士,我. 海伦纳姆,K. (2006). Characterization of microsatellite loci in polyploid Lavatera assurgentiflora subspecies assurgentiflora and subspecies glabra (Malvaceae). 分子生态学笔记 6 , pp. 331-333.
华莱士,我.弗奇斯,M. S. 海伦纳姆,K. (2006). 石斛科植物多态微卫星位点的研究, 圣克莱门特岛的一种特有植物. 分子生态学笔记 6 , pp. 459-461.
华莱士,我. (2006). Spatial genetic structure and frequency of interspecific hybridization in 凤仙花和凤仙花(兰科) occurring in sympatry. 美国植物学杂志 93 (7) , pp. 1001-1009.
华莱士,我. 海伦纳姆,K. (2005). Isolation of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Crossosoma californicum (Crossosomataceae). 分子生态学笔记 5 , pp. 246-248.
燕子,我. G.华莱士,L.克里斯汀森,S. J.约翰·P. M. 和威尔金森,G. S. (2005). Genetic divergence does not predict change in ornament expression among populations of stalk-eyed flies. 分子生态学 14 (12) , pp. 3787-800.
华莱士,我. (2004). A comparison of genetic variation and structure in the allopolyploid Platanthera huronensis and its diploid progenitors, 凤仙花和凤仙花(兰科). 加拿大植物学杂志 82 , pp. 244-252.
Holsinger K. E. 华莱士,L。. (2004). Bayesian approaches for the analysis of population genetic structure: an example from Platanthera leucophaea (Orchidaceae). 分子生态学 13 (4) , pp. 887-94.
华莱士,我. (2003). An evaluation of taxonomic boundaries in Platanthera dilatata (Orchidaceae) based on morphological and molecular variation. 北美杜鹃花 105 , pp. 322-336.
华莱士,我. (2003). Molecular evidence for allopolyploid speciation and recurrent origins in Platanthera huronensis (Orchidaceae). 国际植物科学杂志 164 , pp. 907-916.
华莱士,我. (2003). 白花兰(plananthera leucophaea,兰科)的近交成本. 美国植物学杂志 90 (2) , pp. 235-42.
华莱士,我. (2002). Examining the effects of fragmentation on genetic variation in Platanthera leucophaea (Orchidaceae): inferences from allozymes and random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. 植物物种生物学 17 , pp. 37-49.
Culley T. M.华莱士,L.金格尔-诺瓦克,K. M. 克劳福德,D。. J. (2002). A comparison of two methods of calculating GST, a genetic measure of population differentiation. 美国植物学杂志 89 (3) , pp. 460-5.
华莱士,我. 凯斯,M. A. (2000). Contrasting allozyme diversity between northern and southern populations of Cypripedium parviflorum (Orchidaceae): Implications for Pleistocene refugia and taxonomic boundaries. 系统植物学 25 , pp. 281-296.
情况下,米. A.H. T.华莱士,L. 和Weldy T. W. (1998). Conservation genetics and taxonomic status of the rare Kentucky lady's slipper: Cypripedium kentuckiense (Orchidaceae). 美国植物学杂志 85 (12) , pp. 1779-86.
Weldy T. W.H. T.华莱士,L. 凯斯,M. A. (1996). 肯塔基塞兰(兰科)的现状, 包括对弗吉尼亚州东部新发现的一个种群的形态学分析. Sida 17 , pp. 423-435.


Wettewa E. 华莱士,L。. ( 2017). EPIC markers for understanding evolutionary diversification in Platanthera section Limnorchis (Orchidaceae) Poster Association of Southeastern Biologists Annual Meeting Montgomery, AL.
贝利,N. 华莱士,L。. ( 2017). Distinguishing between two polyploid Platanthera orchids derived from the same diploid ancestors Poster 生物学 本科 研究 Symposium Starkville, MS.
Wettewa E. 华莱士,L。. ( 2017). Floral micromorphology across Platanthera section Limnorchis (Orchidaceae) Oral Presentation 植物学 Fort Worth, TX.
Wettewa E. ( 2017). EPIC markers for understanding evolutionary diversification in Platanthera section Limnorchis (Orchidaceae) Oral Presentation 研究生 学生的研究 Symposium Starkville, MS.