Professor/Eminent Professor
数学 & 统计数据


2309年同上 & 综合科学大厦
NORFOLK, 23529

D.Sc. in Applied 数学, University of Glasgow, (1981)

Ph.D. in Applied 数学, University of Glasgow, (1968)

M.Sc. in Applied 数学, Strathclyde University, (1965)

其他 in Applied 数学, Royal College of Sci. & 科技., (1964)

其他 in Applied 数学, Royal College of Sci. & 科技., (1964)

Contracts, 奖助金 and Sponsored 研究

粗花呢J. J. "Radiation Shielding Studies And Improved Transport Methods" $40,000. 联邦. November 3, 2016 - August 31, 2019
粗花呢J. J. "美国国家航空航天局 研究 Grant NNX09AR20A" $296,000. 联邦. August 2009 - August 2012
粗花呢J. J. "美国国家航空航天局 研究 Grant NNL06AA14A" $1,108,682. 联邦. August 2006 - August 2009
粗花呢J. J. "美国国家航空航天局 研究 Grant NAG-1-03077" $280,372. 联邦. August 2003 - August 2006


Integral transforms, Integral Equations, Elasticity, Acoustics, Radiation Transport


莫顿,C. J.莫耶斯,M. F.沃克,S。. A. 粗花呢J. J. Proton Lateral Broadening Distribution Comparisons between GRNTRN, MCNPX and Laboratory Beam Measurements. Advances in Space 研究.
莫顿,C. J.沃克,S。. A.威尔逊,J. W.,辛格特里,R. C. 粗花呢J. J. (2007). Coupling of Multiple Coulomb Scattering and Energy Loss and Straggling in HZETRN. Advances in Space 研究 40 , pp. 1357-1367.
Gerhold C. H.克拉克,L。. R.邓恩,M. H. 粗花呢J. J. (2006). Investigation of Acoustical Shielding by a Wedge-Shaped Airframe. Journal of Sound and Vibration 294 (1-2) , pp. 49-63.
威尔逊,J. W.粗花呢,粗花呢. J.沃克,S。. A.库奇诺塔,F. A.特里帕蒂,R. K.布拉廷,S. 默廷斯,C. J. (2005). A Procedure for Benchmarking for Laboratory Exposures with 1 A GeV Iron Ions. Advances in Space 研究 35 (2) , pp. 185-193.
粗花呢J. J.沃克,S。. A.威尔逊,J. W.库奇诺塔,F. A.特里帕蒂,R. K.布拉廷,S. 莫滕斯,C. J. (2005). Computational Methods for the HZETRN Code. Advances in Space 研究 35 (2) , pp. 194-201.
沃克,年代. A.粗花呢,粗花呢. J.威尔逊,J. W.库奇诺塔,F. A.特里帕蒂,R. K.布拉廷,S.蔡特林,C.海尔布隆,L. 米勒,J。. (2005). Validation of the HZETRN Code for Laboratory Exposures with a 1 A GeV Iron Ions in Several Targets. Advances in Space 研究 35 (2) , pp. 202-207.


莫顿,C. J.莫耶斯,M. F.沃克,S。. A. 粗花呢J. J. (二八年七月十三日). Comparisons between HZETRN simulations and beam measurements of proton lateral broadening distributions 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly Montreal, 加拿大.
沃克,年代. A.粗花呢,粗花呢. J.威尔逊,J. W.特里帕蒂,R. K.巴达维,F. F.米勒,J.蔡特林,C. 和路易斯安那州的海尔布隆. H. (二八年六月十三日). Validation of a Multi-Layer Green's Function Code for Ion Beam Transport 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly Montreal, 加拿大.
粗花呢J. J.沃克,S。. A.威尔逊,J. W. 特里帕蒂,R. K. (February 10, 2008). Recent Progress in the Development of a Multi-Layer Green's Function Code for Ion Beam Transport Space 技术 & Applications Forum-STAIF 2008 Albuquerque, NM.
粗花呢J. J.沃克,S。. A.威尔逊,J. W. 特里帕蒂,R. K. (September 18, 2007). A Multi-Layer Green's Function for Ion Beam Transport SPACE 2007 Conference Albuquerque, NM.
粗花呢J. J.沃克,S。. A.威尔逊,J. W.特里帕蒂,R. K.巴达维,F. F.米勒,J.蔡特林,C. 和路易斯安那州的海尔布隆. H. (二零零七年七月九日). Validation Studies of the GRNTRN Code for Radiation Transport SAE 37th 国际 Conference on Environmental Systems Chicago, IL.
粗花呢J. J.沃克,S。. A.威尔逊,J. W.特里帕蒂,R. K.巴达维,F. F. 库奇诺塔,F. A. (September 19, 2006). A Radiation Transport Code for Space and Laboratory Applications SPACE 2006 Conference San Jose, CA.
粗花呢J. J.沃克,S。. A.威尔逊,J. W.特里帕蒂,R. K.库奇诺塔,F. A. 巴达维,F. F. (二六年七月十七日). An Improved Green's Function Code for HZE Ion Transport SAE 36th 国际 Conference on Environmental Systems Norfolk, VA.
沃克,年代. A.粗花呢,粗花呢. J.威尔逊,J. W.特里帕蒂,R. K. 库奇诺塔,F. A. (二六年七月十七日). Steps Towards Developing a Multi-layer Green's Function Code for Ion Beam Transport SAE 36th 国际 Conference on Environmental Systems Norfolk, VA.
莫顿,C. J.沃克,S。. A.威尔逊,J. W.,辛格特里,R. C. 粗花呢J. J. (二六年七月十六日). Coupling of multiple coulomb scattering and energy loss and straggling in HZETRN 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly Beijing, 中国.
威尔逊,J. W.库奇诺塔,F. A.特里帕蒂,R. K.海因伯克尔,J. H.粗花呢,粗花呢. J.莫滕斯,C. J.布拉廷,S. Zeitlin, C. (二六年七月十六日). 美国国家航空航天局 radiation protection research for exploration missions 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly Beijing, 中国.
  • 2004: 美国国家航空航天局 Certificate of Appreciation for Exceptional Contributions to the 国际 Space Station Radiation Shielding Team, 美国国家航空航天局
  • 1981: Fellow of the Institute of 数学 and It's Applications,
  • 1981: Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh,
  • 1981: Jack Prize, University of Glasgow
  • 1964: Brown Prize, Royal College of Sciences and 技术