

板条工艺 & 信
诺福克 , 23529年

Ph.D. in 历史, University of California, Davis, (1994)

M.A. in 俄罗斯n Studies, University of Michigan, (1989)

B.A. in 历史, 俄罗斯n Language and Literature, St. 奥拉夫学院(1984)




俄罗斯n empire, Sino-Soviet relations, Socialist bloc exchange


Jersild,. (2018). Sino-Soviet Relations, Decolonization, and the 全球 Cold War. Kritika: Explorations in 俄罗斯n and Eurasian 历史 19 (1) , pp. 217--224.
Jersild,. (2015). 作者的回应. H-Diplo Roundtable Review of The Sino-Soviet Alliance 16 (27) , pp. 22-24.
Jersild,. (2015). The Dilemmas of Cultural Collaboration in Sino-Soviet Relations: The Failure of Suzhong youhao, 1958-1960. 近代中国研究 22 (1) , pp. 169-190.
Jersild,. (2012). The great betrayal: 俄罗斯n memories of the ‘great friendship,’. 冷战历史 12 (1) , pp. 159-169.
Jersild,. (2011). The Soviet State as Imperial Scavenger: ‘Catch Up and Surpass’ in the Transnational Socialist Bloc, 1950-1960. 《bet8体育娱乐入口》 116 (1) , pp. 109-132.
Jersild,. (2004). The Chechen Wars in Historical Perspective: New Work on Contemporary 俄罗斯n-Chechen Relations. 斯拉夫审查 63 (2) , pp. 366-376.
Jersild,. (2002). 特邀编辑简介. 俄罗斯历史研究 41 (2) , pp. 4-9.
Jersild,. (2000). ‘俄罗斯,’ from the Vistula to the Terek to the Amur. Kritika: Explorations in 俄罗斯n and Eurasian 历史 1 (3) , pp. 531-546.
Jersild,. (2000). 信仰, Custom and Ritual in the Borderlands: Orthodoxy, Islam and the ‘Small Peoples’ of the Middle Volga and the North Caucasus. 俄罗斯评论 59 (4) , pp. 512-529.
Jersild,. (2000). Imperial Russification: Dagestani Mountaineers in 俄罗斯n Exile, 1877-1883. 中亚调查 19 (1) , pp. 5-16.
Jersild,. (1999). Rethinking 俄罗斯 from Zardob: Hasan Melikov Zardabi and the ‘Native’ Intelligentsia. 民族的论文 27 (3) , pp. 503-517.
Jersild,. (1996). Ethnic Modernity and the 俄罗斯n 帝国: 俄罗斯n Ethnographers and Caucasian Mountaineers. 民族的论文 24 (4) , pp. 641-648.
Jersild,. (1995). 沙米尔是谁?? 俄罗斯n Colonial Rule and Sufi Islam in the North Caucasus, 1859-1917. 中亚调查 14 (2) , pp. 205-223.

Jersild,. 并与Babiracki, P. (2016). Socialist 国际ism in the Cold War: Exploring the Second World. 帕尔格雷夫麦克米伦.
Jersild,. (2014). The Sino-Soviet Alliance: An 国际 历史. 北卡罗来纳大学出版社.
Jersild,. (2002). Orientalism and 帝国: North Caucasus Mountain Peoples and the 乔治亚州n Frontier, 1845-1917. 麦吉尔-皇后大学出版社.


Jersild,. 巴比拉奇,P. (2016). 编辑的介绍 Socialist 国际ism in the Cold War: Exploring the Second World (pp. 伦敦:帕尔格雷夫.
Jersild,. (2016). Sino-Soviet Rivalry in Guinea-Conakry, 1956-1965: The Second World in the Third World Socialist 国际ism in the Cold War: Exploring the Second World (pp. 303-325)伦敦:帕尔格雷夫.
Jersild,. 和纽约州的梅尔卡泽. (2006). The Dilemmas of Enlightenment in the Eastern Borderlands: The Theater and Library in 第比利斯 东方主义与俄国帝国 (pp. 295-316) Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers.
Jersild,. (1997). From Savagery to Citizenship: Caucasian Muslims and Mountaineers in the 俄罗斯n 帝国 俄罗斯's Orient: Imperial Borderlands and Peoples, 1700-1917 (pp. 101-114) Bloomington: Indiana University Press.


Jersild,. (2022年5月5日). 学习 from Guinea—Conakry Oral Presentation Verflechtung und 全球isierung Group University of 莱比锡, 莱比锡.
Jersild,. (2022年4月16日). The USSR and the External World Oral Presentation 莫斯科 School of Social and Economic Sciences 莫斯科, 俄罗斯.
Jersild,. (2022年4月8日). Industrial Policy and Sino-Soviet Relations from Transnational Perspectives Oral Presentation The Business 历史 Conference 墨西哥 City, 墨西哥.
Jersild,. (2021年11月20日). 帝国, 身份, and Borders Oral Presentation Association for East European and Eurasian Studies National Convention New Orleans, LA.
Jersild,. (2021年11月20日). 俄罗斯 vis-à-vis Asia: Entangled Self-Reflections with the Eastern ‘Other’ Oral Presentation Association for East European and Eurasian Studies National Convention New Orleans, LA.
Jersild,. (2021年7月1日). The ‘Socialist World System’ from Beijing to Conakry: Sino-Soviet Exchange as a Model for Failure in the 全球 South, 1950-1964 Oral Presentation Authors’ Workshop, Economic Dimensions of the Sino-Soviet Split and Alliance University of 莱比锡, 莱比锡.
Jersild,. (2018年12月8日). Writing 国际 Cultural Histories after World War II: Sources and Methods Oral Presentation Association for East European and Eurasian Studies National Convention Boston, MA.
  • 2022: Guest 研究 Scholar, Leibniz Institute for the 历史 and 文化 of East Europe
  • 2022: National 研究 Award, National Council for Eurasian and East European 研究
  • 2022: ODU 教师 研究 Leave: Prague, Sofia, Krakow, 莱比锡, bet8体育娱乐入口
  • 2022: Collaborator, Cold War Studies Group
  • 2016: 研究 Fellow, Berlin Center for Cold War Studies / Berliner Kolleg Kalter Krieg
  • 2012: ODU Summer 研究 Fellowship Program: Beijing, OId Dominion University
  • 2011: ODU 教师 研究 Leave: Norfolk, Berlin , bet8体育娱乐入口
  • 2008: Fulbright 研究 Scholar, 俄罗斯 and Czech Republic, Fulbright Foundation
  • 2007: National 研究 Award, National Council for Eurasian and East European 研究
  • 2006: Kennan Institute, Short-Term 研究 Scholar, Woodrow Wilson Center
  • 2004: American Councils for 国际 教育, 综合研究及语文(中文), 莫斯科,
  • 2000: American Councils for 国际 教育, Combined 研究 and Language (乔治亚州n), 第比利斯, 乔治亚州,
  • 1999: American Councils for 国际 教育 (fee-for-support), 第比利斯, 乔治亚州,
  • 1997: Kennan Institute, 研究 Scholar, Woodrow Wilson Center
  • 1995: 研究 Scholar, Hoover Institute of Stanford University