
我一辈子都住在汉普顿路. 我高中的最后一年, I was determined to not only attend university outside of the area but also outside of Virginia. However, graduating at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the universe had other plans for me.

While I was initially attending another university while living at home, 我觉得上ODU是一个更经济的决定. 坦率地说,我在学校的第一个星期一点也不开心. ODU不是我的第一选择, 或者第二选择, or even tenth choice (mainly due to the proximity to my childhood home), 然而 after that first week I truly applied myself and now, 在我大四的时候, realize that coming to ODU was the greatest decision I could have made. 成为佩里荣誉学院的学生, I’ve had the opportunity to conduct valuable research across a number of disciplines, 与同龄人建立有意义的关系, serve as a Resident Assistant on campus for almost two years now, 完成更多的事情.

What I’ve come to realize about life is that regardless of your plans or what direction you want to go, 风会把你吹向另一个方向. 在ODU校园的第一周,我很痛苦, simply because my initial plan had fallen through and led me here. Now a senior at ODU in my second to last semester, I don’t want to leave!

What made you choose to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Management?

There are two main reasons I chose to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Management. 第一个是我妈妈. She is by far the hardest working individual I know and has had an extraordinarily successful career in Human Resource Management. 通过她的, I’ve learned how vital it is to communicate effectively and efficiently in the classroom but also in the workplace and in business.

The second reason I chose a Bachelor of Science in Management is my “end goal.“在我活得很长的50年里, I hope to have made a lasting impact in business and entrepreneurship but also within my community. I think management and leading a team of people is the best way to accomplish that.

另外, I have had the opportunity to work firsthand with a number of Management professors at ODU who continue to ignite my passion for academics and management entirely.


Specifically, Professor Andrew Bennett has made a lasting impact on my collegiate journey. 我从来没有上过班尼特教授的课, 然而, on a number of occasions he has assisted me in research pursuits, 推荐信, 等. 他对教学真的很有热情, 高等教育, and helping students — It is professors like him along with Dr. Sheila Keener和Dr. 杰伊·奥图尔,他让我成为斯特罗姆的学生.

What advice would you give to anyone considering ODU and the 斯特罗姆商学院 to further their education?

There are truly outstanding faculty and staff that work within the 斯特罗姆商学院. 另外, 因为我是院长卡恩斯学生顾问委员会的成员, I can say firsthand that he is taking a new and innovative approach to Strome and Strome students. I truly believe that what the 斯特罗姆商学院 looks like now will be entirely different six months from now.


我明白了专业是成功的关键. 进进出出教室, 你的穿着应该给人留下深刻印象, 像在会议室一样说话, and interact with your peers with the notion that they could be the next Bezos or Musk.

你是实习的主要倡导者. 告诉我们更多关于你的实习经历.

As a business student, one should know that we are living in a highly competitive world. ODU有很多同学和我的专业是一样的, 类似的课外活动, 而且平均成绩比我高. What truly sets students apart is practical experience on one's resume — experiential learning. I have participated in three internships (soon to be four this summer) and I’ve learned so many things. First, every internship will have some good, some bad, and some ugly. This past summer I interned with a group who specialize in construction, 开发和豪华房地产. 而大部分的实习是愉快的, I dreaded the portion of the internship spent on the physical construction site; it wasn’t my “cup of tea.” Even that bad experience showed me something great: that in my future career, 我不想待在建筑工地. 一次“丑陋”的经历实际上教会了我一些很棒的东西.

The second vital thing I learned from a more recent internship is that you should soak up any and all information from your leadership team. This past fall semester, as an intern with the Monarch Internship and Co-Op Office, Dr. Barbara Blake, executive director of the office, told me something that has stuck with me. 在一场关于校园实习和学生的讨论中. 布莱克说:“实习真的可以改变你的生活.” While I knew internships were important, “life changing” seemed a little far- f等hed.

然而,她解释说,实习使你成功.竞争性的;竞争性的.) give you opportunities traditionally you may not be exposed to, and 3.)他们给你控制权. 在你职业生涯的后期, 谈判工资的控制权, 表明你有公司或工作经验, 这样你就更有机会获得一席之地了.

Do you have any helpful tips for someone interested in pursuing an internship?

是的,首先,尽早开始寻找实习机会. 如果你想找一份暑期实习, 在春天开始找已经太迟了, 这项调查将于今年秋季开始. Some premium internships (especially for business students at Fortune 500 companies) start recruitment a year in advance. The second tip I have is for students to visit the Monarch Internship and Co-Op office. The Monarch Internship and Co-Op Office is a brand new office located in the Webb Center (1000 Webb), with the main focus in helping ODU students obtain internships. While I am slightly biased (as I am a current intern for the office), 所有提供给学生的服务都是完全免费的. It is a premium service one would expect to see at an Ivy league institution.
