
Xavier Bervine, 特殊教育专业,辅修人类服务专业, won the Kaufman Award, 这是授予bet8体育娱乐入口毕业生的最高荣誉, at the Student Honors and Awards Dinner on May 2.

在晚宴上,土木工程专业的Chloe Barrett被评为杰出大学学者,四名学生获得了教务长杰出本科生研究员奖, held in the North Cafeteria at Webb University Center.

考夫曼奖由Landmark Communications设立,奖金为1万美元. 该奖项旨在表彰对学校产生了杰出和建设性影响的毕业生, 它的学生或社区通过展示最高品质的领导和服务.

The award is named in memory of Charles Kaufman, a community leader, philanthropist and friend to ODU. Following Kaufman's example, 获奖者必须持续参与校园或社区团体的领导工作, 有杰出的志愿活动记录和优秀的学术成就或影响校园或社区的重大成就.

In his opening remarks, 教务长兼学术事务副校长奥斯汀·阿霍说, “学生们, 今晚,我们感谢你们和你们的成就,并与你们的家人和朋友分享这份喜悦. 你在学术成就和课外活动上都让自己与众不同. 你们已经亲眼目睹了我们在bet8体育娱乐入口努力实现的教学经验和卓越. 我们也很高兴地感谢那些在你的学术旅程中指导和支持你的教师,他们在你在bet8体育娱乐入口的时光里留下了不可磨灭的印记.”

He and President Brian O. Hemphill, Ph值.D., 在整个活动中为所有获奖者颁奖.

Bervine, a special education teacher at Dominion Care, 是阿尔法·菲·阿尔法兄弟会的主席和特殊儿童学生会的副主席. After graduation, 他计划在弗吉尼亚大学攻读硕士学位的同时,在贝尔伍德小学全职担任特殊教育教师. 他选择塞西莉亚·塔克作为他最鼓舞人心的教员,因为她致力于促进ODU的多样性和包容性. 他说, “她愿意分享自己的故事,倡导平等和正义,这使她成为像我这样鼓舞人心的领导者的榜样.”

Bervine was one of 10 finalists for the award. Nursing major Helena Benschoten was the runner-up. 她是学生护士协会的副主席和校园大使. Her most inspirational faculty member is Leslie Sharpe.


  • Marina Ciriesi, management major, art history minor. Most inspirational faculty member: Ryan Klinger.
  • Kaetlyn (Niki) Ellis, nursing major, psychology minor. Most inspirational faculty member: Sangita Seaburg.
  • Vu Giang, applied mathematics major. Most inspirational faculty member: Richard Noren.
  • 卢兹米娅·洛佩兹·吉诺维斯,主修语言病理学和听力学,辅修社区卫生. Most inspirational faculty member: Ann Kumm.
  • Danielle “Dani” McChesney, nursing major. Most inspirational faculty member: Janice Hawkins.
  • Brent Pizzamiglio,主修网络安全,辅修军事领导. Most inspirational faculty member: Jeremy Dollar.
  • 泰勒·罗伯逊,主修历史,辅修政治学. Most inspirational faculty member: Brett Bebber.
  • 拉蒂萨·沃德,天体物理学和计算机工程双学位. Most inspirational faculty member: Velvet Grant.

巴雷特杰出大学学者奖旨在表彰每个学院平均学业成绩最高、在大学完成至少60个学分的本科生.  她将以工程师的身份加入Hazen和Sawyer的工作队伍,并计划回到ODU攻读硕士学位. 她赞扬了她最鼓舞人心的教员凯西·布恩.

“Dr. Boone is the definition of a professor who cares. 她挑战你,同时给你成功所需的资源, and she is not afraid to be human with you. Not a day goes by without me being sure Dr. Boone has my back. 我的人生目标之一就是达到她设定的标准.”


College of 艺术 and 信: Caroline Matthew, strategic communication major. Most inspirational faculty member: Michelle Carpenter.

College of 健康 Sciences: 索菲亚·卢娜·马丁内斯,语言病理学和听力学专业. Most inspirational faculty member: Anne Perrotti.

College of Sciences: Ramond Tahhan, biomedical sciences major. 最鼓舞人心的教员:道格拉斯·米尔斯和丽莎·肖伦伯格.

Darden College of Education and Professional Studies: Patricia Hodges, parks, recreation and tourism studies. Most inspirational faculty member: Shelly Beaver.

School of Cybersecurity: Elizabeth Gildea, cybersecurity major. 最鼓舞人心的教师:Mitch Brindley和郑贤荣.

School of Nursing: Amanda Allen, nursing major. Most inspirational faculty member: Luis Becerra.

Strome College of Business: Daniel Tekleab, finance major. 最鼓舞人心的教员:Max Siangchokyoo教授.


  • Mary LePere, ocean and earth sciences major. She was inspired by Victoria Hill.
  • Isabel Martinez, psychology major, human services minor. She was inspired by Cathy Lau-Barraco.
  • Sophia Janeiro Martiniz, speech pathology and audiology major; special education minor. She was inspired by Anne Marie Perrotti
  • 德简·汤普森,主修心理学,辅修人类服务. She was inspired by  Sheriyse Williams.


事件, emceed by Cathy Lewis, ODU’s community engagement liaison, also featured performances by The F. Ludwig Diehn Chorale. Nancy Klein, professor and chair of the F. Ludwig School of Music, 他将指挥棒交给了ODU毕业生克里斯汀·洛约拉,让她演奏弗兰克·图切尔的《bet8体育娱乐入口》.“晚些时候, 唱诗班的人演唱了由ODU毕业生卡特·坎贝尔指挥的《bet8九州登录入口》. 活动结束时,所有人都站起来加入合唱团,合唱ODU的母校.