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你来参观. Webb Lion Fountain. 2017年6月1日. 大卫·B. 霍林

ODU Shines Light on ‘Amazing’ 本科 RESEARCH Projects

Old Dominion University is known as one of the East Coast's premiere research institutions. But in addition to the studies conducted by ODU faculty and graduate students, many undergraduate students are also engaged in research.

The ODU 本科 RESEARCH Program will highlight the comprehensive projects being undertaken by undergraduate students at its fifth annual symposium on Saturday, 2月. 9, in the 学习 Commons at Perry Library.

卡罗尔·辛普森, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, will provide opening remarks at 8:45 a.m. Presentations will begin with a 9 a.m. session that features Political Science, Geology and Psychology projects. Beginning at 10:15 a.m., and continuing into the afternoon, students will present research projects in 历史, 生物学, 工程, 医学, 运动学, 物理, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences and Art 历史. The event will conclude late in the afternoon with a reception and Visual 艺术 exhibit.

The symposium is free and open to all students, faculty, staff and the public.

For anyone who wants to get a taste of what to expect, a display of past poster presentations - some of which were presented by students at academic conferences outside ODU - has been set up at the Perry Library Art Gallery. It will be available for viewing all month.

伊凡灰, director of ODU's 本科 RESEARCH Program and the event's organizer, said 104 undergraduate researchers are participating in this year's program.

The symposium "gives an idea of the diversity of research" so attendees "get a taste of what's going on and can talk with actual researchers,阿什说. "We're trying to show the amazing research and original artwork undergrads are doing 在这里. These aren't high school science projects - it's real research that's being published in journals and presented at conferences."

Ash said he wants the symposium to serve as a conduit to introduce students (and faculty in some cases) to available research opportunities.

"It's one of the benefits of ODU - t在这里 is real research going on 在这里," he said. "We want to involve undergraduates in that if they are interested."

For more information about the 本科 RESEARCH Program, go 在这里.


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