
君主人文实习学院 will be part of the 君主实习和合作办公室, 由执行主任芭芭拉·布莱克领导.

bet8体育娱乐入口 has been awarded $5 million by the Mellon Foundation to support the creation of the Monarch Humanities Internship Academy. 学院的一部分 君主实习和合作办公室,将为人文专业学生提供获得在职培训所需的资源.

人文专业的学生在完成实习时往往会遇到障碍, 包括低薪或无薪, 为了上大学而必须工作,以及缺乏健全的实习基础设施. 此外,雇主可能不了解学习人文学科的好处.

ODU surveyed exiting seniors about their internship participation and found that between 2014 and 2022, 29%的人文专业学生完成了实习. 当被问及是什么阻碍了高年级学生实习时, 最常被提及的工作义务, while others said they didn’t know enough about internships or could not find available opportunities. 其他人则表示,家庭责任和往返校园是障碍. 

君主人文实习学院 will address these challenges to ensure humanities students are included and financially rewarded for internships. The initiative will offer payment for students in fields where employers may not have funding in place to support interns.

bet8体育娱乐入口 has boldly stepped forward and made a firm commitment to current and future students that when they earn their degrees and embark on their careers, 他们将有必要的工作经验, 技能和专业网络的发展,奥巴马总统说. Hemphill, Ph值.D. “We are profoundly grateful to the Mellon Foundation for this significant investment to ensure clear pathways for our humanities students to pursue their passions, 为当地社区服务,实现他们的目标. The Mellon Foundation has provided a strong framework to change the trajectory and increase the impact of our humanities graduates for years to come!”

作为奖励的一部分, students in select majors will be asked to seek opportunities with companies and organizations with social missions. The academy will also work with students to create electronic portfolios documenting their experience.

“The positive impact of this will be extraordinary,” said Laura Delbrugge, dean of the University’s 文学艺术学院. “This means more of our students will hit the ground running when they graduate and join the workforce. 我们谈论的是职业发展,改变人生的经历.”

也, the award’s focus on social justice dovetails with numerous pillars of scholarship within the 文学艺术学院, 她说.

“I’m thrilled and deeply appreciative that our students will benefit from this innovative approach,德尔布鲁日说.

在其2023-2028年战略计划中, 前瞻性:创新与可能性的结合ODU概述了到2027年每位毕业生完成实习的愿景. In 2023, 该大学创建了君主实习和合作办公室, 由执行主任芭芭拉·布莱克领导, 支持履行这一承诺. The office works with students of all majors to remove barriers to participating in internships. ODU为2000多名人文学科的学生提供服务.

“君主人文实习学院拥抱ODU以工作为基础的学习承诺,布莱恩·佩恩说, 教务长兼跨学科研究主任. “Incoming students will be exposed to internship opportunities at the soonest possible point; we don’t want students waiting until their senior year to start thinking about internships.”

通过她的工作指导君主实习和合作办公室, Blake has talked to employers who are seeking ways to create innovative work-based learning opportunities. 经常, those conversations include helping them craft internships that aren’t restricted to one major or discipline.

“The real promise of the Mellon investment into ODU students is the support of the value of a humanities education. Some of those key tenets of the humanities are so ideal for employers — skills in critical thinking, 沟通, 文化能力, 创意与革新, 适应性和灵活性,布莱克说。. “多个行业和多个职位都需要全面发展的候选人, 而人文学科的学生有着广阔的天地, 多样化的技能组合.”

这项投资将使当地雇主受益, 包括非营利组织和小企业, 寻求建立人才管道, 佩恩说.

“在很多情况下,学生无法做无薪实习. 为他们提供带薪实习机会, 他们获得了未来职业所需的工作经验,佩恩说. 此外,研究表明,完成实习有助于学生坚持毕业. Increasing the number of possible internship sites will make it easier for future students to reap the benefits of work-based learning.”

“The real promise of the Mellon investment into ODU students is the support of the value of a humanities education. Some of those key tenets of the humanities are so ideal for employers — skills in critical thinking, 沟通, 文化能力, 创意与革新, 适应性和灵活性. 多个行业和多个职位都需要全面发展的候选人, 而人文学科的学生有着广阔的天地, 多样化的技能组合.——芭芭拉·布莱克


  • 确定体验式学习途径,在每一个人文学科学位课程在ODU.
  • Offer internship preparation to at least 100 humanities-focused freshmen each year through learning communities.
  • 消除人文学科学生的实习障碍.
  • 促进750个人文学科实习.
  • 开发750个在线电子档案.
  • 发展可持续的实习计划,为人文学科学生提供支持.

最初, 学院将创建五个学习社区, 每队25名学生, 帮助学生开始他们的大学生涯与实习机会的知识.

然后, the University’s INNOVATE Monarchs program will bring together faculty and students for a series of INNOVATE Humanities sessions in design thinking about ways to scale internships.

机构效能和评估办公室学业成功倡议和支持办公室, the humanities programs will work to map curriculums that expand opportunities for experiential learning. Instructional designers will work with faculty to offer professional development to guarantee programs include internship courses and faculty are prepared to lead them.

君主人文实习学院, 由两名助理主任和一名项目支持专家组成, 将提供建议, 训练, 使用案例管理方法为人文专业学生提供帮助和支持. 工作人员将与雇主合作制定带薪实习安排. Nonprofits and government agencies will be invited to hire students funded through the academy, 而营利性实体将被要求提供相应的资金.

最后, the Monarch Humanities Internship Academy will develop an undergraduate humanities internship studio, 伊丽莎白·扎诺尼导演, 历史学副教授. The studio will offer paid stipends for undergraduate interns and graduate humanities students.

ODU was one of five public colleges and universities selected by the Mellon Foundation for a total award of $25 million to establish paid internships for humanities students. 安德鲁·W. 梅隆基金会是美国最大的艺术和人文学科的支持者.

“While it is obvious from the data that humanities majors regularly graduate into jobs that they find both emotionally and financially rewarding, 这条信息还没有传达给学生或他们的家人,菲利普·布莱恩·哈珀说, 梅隆大学高等教育项目主任, 在网站登录稿中. “The internships funded through these grants will make it clear that humanities study leads not just to jobs, 更重要的是,在各行各业都有令人兴奋的职业发展道路.”

上图: ODU通信专业的学生Ciara Jones在InovCares实习, 一家致力于为有色人种女性提供现代化医疗保健的公司.