
bet8体育娱乐入口 students, staff and faculty will celebrate Black 历史 Month (BHM) throughout the month of 2月ruary. 2月开始. 1, the campus community will honor and recognize the achievements, contributions and historical impact of the African-American community through events, programs and classroom learning opportunities.

今年, the BHM observation has been led by Craig Rollins, graduate assistant for Black 倡议, alongside a dedicated team of students in the ODU Office of Intercultural Relations (OIR). 

OIR’s mission to foster intercultural learning and engagement has informed its approach to planning the University’s celebration of Black 历史 Month.

"We are being really intentional this year with not just celebrating Black 历史 Month but in how we are celebrating it,罗林斯说. “We want students to learn about Black history in fun and unique ways in places where they already are."

He stressed the importance of making events fun, 相关和可访问, with multiple events being offered during student Activity Hours.

Organizers also placed a heavy emphasis on education.

The OIR is encouraging ODU faculty to integrate black history initiatives into their curricula throughout the month of 2月ruary. Rachawan Wongtrirat, director of intercultural relations, 说, "We recognize that learning and awareness begin in the classroom. 今年, we are launching the OIR's inaugural Black 历史 Month classroom campaign, inviting faculty to creatively consider integrating Black 历史 Month into class discussions and their curricula. One innovative example could be exploring or discussing the contributions of historical and contemporary African American chemists in a chemistry class. 教师 can also invite the OIR team for a brief presentation on Black 历史 Month.”

Black T-Shirt with Illustration of Woman
ODU's 2024 Black 历史 Month T-Shirt, designed by the Office of Intercultural Relation's graphic designer, Hind Al Saffar.

Wongtrirat encourages faculty to 接触 for ideas and guidance on how they can get involved.  "We hope to continue this for all other heritage months, too and it's exciting to be able to get started now,她说.

教师应该提交 兴趣表 由2月. 15 and will receive an ODU BHM T-shirt. 

Here is a full list of ODU’s 2024 Black 历史 Month events:

  • 2月.1: The Dawn is Ours: Amanda Gorman Textiles from South Africa | 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.巴里艺术博物馆
  • 2月. 1: BHM Activity Hour: 文化 | 12:30-1:30 p.m., South Mall, Webb University Center
  • 2月. 1: You, Me and Poetry | 7-9 p.m.,北咖啡厅,韦伯中心
  • 2月. 2:游戏之夜| 5-8点.m., Newport 网站登录 Room, Webb Center
  • 2月. 7: Black Feminists Taught Me | 5-7 p.m., Potomac York Room, Webb Center
  • 2月. 8: BHM Activity Hour: Sabor Afro | 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.,马内中心,韦伯中心
  • 2月. 8: Cultural Identity Conversation Circle | 12:30 – 1:30 p.m., Executive 餐厅 Room, Webb Center
  • 2月. 黑色:黑色 & 黄金| 6-8便士.m.巴里艺术博物馆
  • 2月. 10: BHM日间远足|上午10点.m. – 3 p.m., First Landing State Park
  • 2月. 13: BHM Activity Hour: Decades | 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.,北咖啡厅,韦伯中心
  • 2月15日:“枪支, Breakfast and Liberation: New Interpretations of the Black Panther Party" lecture with Charles E. 琼斯,Ph值.D. Professor Emeritus, University of Cincinnati, | 12:15 p.m., Chesapeake Room, Webb Center
  • 2月. 15:咖啡 & Contemporary Art | 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.巴里艺术博物馆
  • 2月. 16: BHM晚会| 7-10点.m.,北咖啡厅,韦伯中心
  • 2月. 20: BHM Activity Hour: Black Out | 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.,北咖啡厅,韦伯中心
  • 2月. 22: Better Together | 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.巴里艺术博物馆
  • 2月. 22: IntersectionaliTEA: Vogue 101| 7-9 p.m.,北咖啡厅,韦伯中心
  • 2月. 28: Reclaiming the Narrative | 6 – 7:30 p.m.、虚拟变焦
  • 2月. 球鞋球| 7-10分.m.,北咖啡厅,韦伯中心

今年’s BHM observances are a partnership among various campus organizations including the 巴里艺术博物馆, The Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity (ISRE), African American Student Association, 黑人学生联盟, African American Studies Program, 健康宣传, 娱乐与健康, 学生活动委员会, 女性's and Gender Equity Council and 其他人.

For more information about the OIR and BHM events, visit ODU's Black 倡议 page.