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You 访问 Tour. Webb Lion Fountain. 2017年6月1日. 大卫·B. 霍林

Lecture by ODU’s 卡斯帕罗夫 and Guest Scholar to Explore Creation of New Opera

Two departments at Old Dominion University - foreign languages and literatures, and music - have partnered to offer an original presentation by Andrey 卡斯帕罗夫, associate professor of music, and guest scholar Christopher Sawyer-Lauçanno about their unfinished work composing a new opera about Spanish poet and playwright Federico Garcia 洛尔卡.

The lecture, titled "洛尔卡: The Creation of an Opera," will be held at 5 p.m. Monday, April 1, in the Batten 艺术 and 信s Building auditorium.

洛尔卡, who was murdered during the Spanish Civil War, is considered in many literary circles to be the most important Spanish poet and dramatist of the 20th century.

卡斯帕罗夫, who was born in the former Soviet Union, graduated from the 莫斯科 State Conservatory with honors in music composition and piano. He also holds a doctorate degree in music composition from the Indiana University School of Music, 在布卢明顿, and is an associate professor of music at ODU.

卡斯帕罗夫's works have been performed in the Ukraine, 德国, 阿根廷, 莫斯科, 纽约, 巴黎, 耶烈万, 渥太华, 芝加哥, 克利夫兰, San Francisco and other cities around the world.

A 教师 Development Fund grant from the Office of Academic Affairs and the 教师 Senate, received by Nancy Minguez, senior lecturer and Spanish language coordinator for the foreign languages and literatures department, is being used to bring Sawyer-Lauçanno to campus.

For more information about the presentation on April 1, contact Minguez at nminguez@hebhgkq.com.

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