bet8体育娱乐入口 announced that Kenneth 弗里德利 has been named dean of the 巴顿工程学院 and 技术 following a competitive nationwide search by Parker Executive 搜索.

弗里德利, senior associate dean for administration at the College of Engineering at the University of Alabama (UA), 他将于7月1日上任. He will succeed Khan Iftekharuddin, who served as the college's interim dean.

"Kenneth 弗里德利 has substantial accomplishments in teaching and 研究 and as a leader in educational innovation. 我们很高兴他能加入君主社区。. 教务长兼学术事务副校长.

"I am tremendously excited to be given this opportunity to join bet8体育娱乐入口 as the next dean of the 巴顿工程学院 and 技术,弗里德利说. “我期待着与教职员工一起工作, 工作人员, alumni and friends of the Batten College to establish a strong vision for the future. We will advance toward that vision together and build upon the history of the many engineers who made the Batten College what it is today. 我的妻子宝拉和我都很高兴能成为欧迪大家庭的一员."

弗里德利 has served as senior associate dean for administration at the College of Engineering at (UA) since 2014. He also was interim dean of the 荣誉学院 from 2019 to 2022 and head of UA's Department of Civil, 2003年至2014年,从事建筑与环境工程. In these roles, he built a culture of innovation, entrepreneurship and readiness for change.

在UA, 他领导了几个项目的建立, including a five-year BSCE/MSCE program; the interdisciplinary CUBE promoting student innovation in engineering; Bachelor of Science degrees in construction engineering, architectural engineering and environmental engineering; and the cross-disciplinary MSCE/MBA and MSCE/JD dual-degree programs.

弗里德利还改变了荣誉教育, 创造和实施优秀学生的学习成果, 加强课程, establishing the 荣誉学院 Partner program and creating honors pathways to graduate education.

在弗里德利担任校长期间, 民政部, Construction and Environmental Engineering at UA experienced significant growth in enrollment - with undergraduate and graduate enrollment more than doubling and doctoral enrollment tripling - and in 研究 awards and expenditures. 他还将学院的规模扩大了一倍多.

除了, 他改善了访问渠道, 多样性和包容性, 并创造了几个辅导和STEM发展机会, including developing and coordinating a summer 研究 program for 120 Brazilian students and creating the Engineering Positive and Intentional Change (EPIC) Scholars honors program.

加入UA之前, 弗里德利在普渡大学任教(1990-1992), 俄克拉荷马大学(1992-1994), 华盛顿州立大学(1994-2001)和内华达大学, 拉斯维加斯(2001-2003). 在拉斯维加斯大学, 弗里德利 served as associate dean of 研究 and information technology for the Howard Hughes College of Engineering.

弗里德利 also brings significant experience developing and advancing philanthropic opportunities, 经济发展, 外部资助的研究和其他筹款活动. While at UA, he was involved in two capital campaigns, including the $1.去年宣布的50亿美元的计划.

被公认为一位敬业的教育家, 弗里德利 has been the recipient of numerous university and national awards and honors. He was elected a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers in 2008 and received the ASCE ExCEEd 领导 Award in 2010. 弗里德利 also was an early developer of interactive internet-based educational courseware for structural wood design.

A strong advocate for improving the education and preparation of future engineers, 弗里德利 has chaired or served on a variety of local and national committees and advised nearly 40 master's and doctoral students. His former students have moved into leadership positions in industry, public service and academia.

弗里德利 is considered a leading expert in engineered wood construction, 性能和减少危害. He has published 65 refereed journal papers and is a co-author of the leading wood engineering design textbook, 木结构设计.弗里德利已经承担了超过14美元的责任.400万美元的赞助研究, 哪一个是由各种各样的联邦政府支持的, 国家和行业来源. Much of his 研究 has directly impacted the civil engineering profession, 导致国家设计规范发生变化, 标准及守则.

弗里德利只得到了B.S. 毕业于华盛顿州立大学土木工程专业.S. in architectural engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and his Ph.D. 奥本大学土木工程专业毕业.

"We are pleased to welcome Kenneth 弗里德利 to Old Dominion," said ODU President Brian O. Hemphill, Ph值.D. "He has a distinguished career demonstrating excellence and innovation in engineering. 我有信心, 在弗里德利院长的领导和指导下, the 巴顿工程学院 and 技术 will continue to advance in supporting the University's forward-focused vision and fulfilling our important mission of teaching, 研究及服务."

作为巴顿学院的院长, 弗里德利将努力促进教学的卓越性, 研究, 学生的学习, and community engagement; demonstrate an unwavering commitment to diversity, 股本, inclusion and social justice; attract external resources; and support the University's leadership role in regional 经济发展 for the college's six departments.

巴顿工程技术学院招收近3名学生,在60多个学术课程中,有6000名学生. 学院, 哪一家拥有强大的10人关系网,来自50个州和32个国家的000名校友,促进工程知识的进步, 无论是创作还是传播, by providing successful graduates and a continuously improving learning environment to its constituents, 在保持高尚道德的同时, 多元文化和全球标准.