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你来参观. 韦伯狮子喷泉. 2017年6月1日. 大卫·B. 霍林

Cultural Awareness Week to Promote Understanding and Inclusion

Old Dominion University's Office of 住房 and Residence Life, through its Diversity 倡议 Committee, will sponsor the second annual Cultural Awareness Week2月. 8-14.

事件 during the week are designed to promote acceptance and appreciation for the complexities of identities within the ODU campus community. All events are free and open to students, faculty, staff and the general public.

"No matter your level of awareness, the week's events will allow you to deepen your understanding and walk away with some action items to help you make sure ODU is open and inclusive to everyone,布兰登·布朗说, the Diversity 倡议 Committee chair and Whitehurst Residence Hall director.

Cultural Awareness Week, which is co-sponsored by the Office of Intercultural Relations, the Student 娱乐 Center and student organizations, begins with its signature event, the Tunnel of Oppression.

The Tunnel of Oppression presents an interactive experience designed for attendees to address the questions: "What does it mean to be oppressed?;" "How does it feel to be oppressed?;" and "how am I oppressing others?"

"A facilitated discussion will follow, asking attendees to reflect on their experience and feelings, and how they plan to intentionally dismantle systems of oppression present in society,布朗说.

The Tunnel of Oppression will be held from 6 p.m. 到10点.m. 2月2日星期一. 2月8日和星期二. 9 in the second floor river rooms of Webb Center.

然后在周三.2月. 10, Kayden科尔曼, a 29-year-old transgender father and husband from Philadelphia, will share his personal story. Coleman's talk is titled, "My Body, My Truth: The Journey of a Once-Pregnant Transgender Man." Dinner and Coleman's address will be in the Hampton/Newport News Room at Webb Center from 5:30 p.m. 到晚上7点.m.

Coleman's appearance is sponsored by the Old Dominion 女性's Center; the Student Government Association; Safe Space; 领导 and Student Involvement; 住房 and Residential Life-Diversity 倡议 Committee; Student 娱乐 Center; Office of 咨询 服务s; ODU Out; and the Spectrum Living-学习 Community.

2月4日星期四. 从12:15开始.m. 到下午1:15.m., a "Love Your Body" table at Webb Center will offer activities, giveaways and games focused on promoting positive body image and available campus resources. The table is sponsored by the Student 娱乐 Center and the Office of Intercultural Relations.

周六,2月. 13 will feature a free bus trip to Greensboro, N.C. for an interactive exploration of the civil rights movement. The bus leaves at 9 a.m. 从第49街. bus stop beside Webb Center. Spaces are limited, so those wishing to attend should register at 君主的链接. Students can register while spots are still available until Friday2月. 12. The trip is limited to the first 50 students who register.

The week's events close Sunday2月. 14 with a performance of The Vagina Monologues at 2 p.m. 在古德剧院. Tickets are $10 at the Webb Center information desk.


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