By Jonah Grinkewitz 


作为第一殖民地高中法律研究学院的学生, she initially wanted to pursue law and interned with former U.S. 代表. Elain Luria’s congressional campaign. 

霍塔林说,她对很多事情都充满热情,她认为这个机会是将她的热情转化为创造变革的好方法. 在看到政治的内部机制之后,她决定有更好的方法来做到这一点. 

When she experienced some health issues, 她转学医学,在潮水社区学院(Tidewater 社区 College)攻读医学预科课程, because she thought, “好, I’ll just figure it out myself.’” 

2022年,她转学到bet8体育娱乐入口(Old Dominion University),成为一名大三学生,开始走上跨学科的道路,攻读自然疗法医学学位. 她的工作重点是预防性护理,并为非药物疗法的临床试验开辟了一条途径.

Hotaling did not want to work in a hospital, but the further she got into the field, she realized doing so would be essential to her goals.

“你必须愿意在一个你不相信的系统内运作,然后在该系统中产生变化, 医疗保健和政治是我不愿意做的两个系统,因为我没有看到一条可行的路线,” she said. 

So, Hotaling switched things up again. She always loved reading and writing, 所以她把专业转到了英语,希望能在这条路上找到自己的使命. 

这个方向来自ODU硕士讲师Beth Backes教授的语言学课程.  


Her next stop is receiving her B.A. 在5月4日获得了英语作为第二语言教学的证书.

“ODU让我在生活中找到了非常有影响力的人," said Sara Rose Hotaling, an English major with a concentration in applied linguistics.

Hotaling喜欢语言学将她对数据和研究的兴趣与社会学和人类学结合起来. 她特别受到巴克斯的一项研究的启发,该研究的数据是关于媒体如何给黑人和其他人的照片加上标题.

“Language touches everything,” Hotaling said. “Any topic that I or anyone is passionate about, 有一种方法可以进行研究并产生有价值的信息,这些信息可以被决策者用来影响变革, educators and people in positions of power, because everyone has to use language.”

在学习期间,Hotaling了解到土著语言的迅速消失. She wanted to draw attention to the crisis, 因此,今年3月,她在ODU组织了首届土著语言保护研讨会. 

“I want to know more about this. I think everyone should know more about this. 很明显, 最简单的解决办法就是计划一个关于这个问题的专题讨论会,” she said with a laugh. 

超过70人,包括许多来自当地部落的人,参加了由语言学系和ODU西格玛头三角洲分会赞助的活动, the English honor society of which Hotaling served as president. 

“萨拉·罗斯求知欲强,富有创造力,工作勤奋,”巴克斯说. “Perhaps most impressive is her ability to see a problem, 提出一个解决方案,然后不仅采取行动,而且激励其他人也采取行动——这是一个真正的领导者的标志.”

Amy Lindstrom, assistant professor of linguistics, 他说一个大学生能组织这样的活动是一个令人印象深刻的成就.

“Sara Rose is DYNAMO,” Lindstrom stated in an email. “我一再告诉她,作为一名学生和一名研究人员,她都很出色.”

During her final semester, Hotaling赢得了ODU英语本科应用语言研究竞赛的奖项,她写了一篇关于语法的论文,分析了在以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突的网站登录报道中,被动语态是如何被策略性地用来排除一方的指责,把责任推给另一方的. 

“她(林德斯特伦)非常愿意在课后和我呆在一起,亲自回答我所有关于语言的问题, and now I’m equipped and well-prepared to do very difficult, 如果不是因为她,我可能不会在本科阶段得到高水平的工作,” Hotaling said.

对霍塔林来说,ODU的另一个形成性经历是在纽约大学的实习 English Language Center as a teaching assistant with English lecturer Ann Kumm. The ELC provides a high-quality, reasonably priced, 为讲其他语言的人开设的强化英语课程. 

“As much as English teachers are teachers, they’re also students, because you can travel and learn a lot of things, but in the ELC, everyday I’m learning culturally specific things all the time,” she said. 

“萨拉·罗斯抓住每一个可能的机会,与我们项目的学生一起工作,她会告诉你,她也从中受益," Kumm said. 仅仅“做家教”是远远不够的——她想学习,并确保她所做的事情是有意义的. The world is certainly a better place because Sara Rose is in it."

毕业后,霍塔林计划搬到英国并申请那里的研究生院. 她说,她的最终目标是成为一名语言学教授,但如果她最终绕道而行,“也不会感到惊讶”. 

Reflecting on her time at ODU, she said she is most grateful for the people – friends, students and faculty members – who served as mentors. 

“ODU让我在生活中找到了非常有影响力的人,我不能强调ELC的学生对我的影响有多大,” she said. 

“我们有很多东西要从与我们一起工作的人身上学习,而不仅仅是那些我们被告知要尊敬的人. We should look across. You don’t remember anything positive when people talk down to you, but you remember when you speak with people.”