作者:Harry Minium

Claire Stephens was a high school student in Virginia Beach trying to figure out what to do with her life when she visited relatives in long-term care facilities. She knew whatever career path she chose would involve helping people.

And then she saw physical therapists working with elder patients.

"I didn't know physical therapy was even a job," she said. "I could just really see the impact physical therapists can have on patients and their families. 影响是非常深远的."

克莱尔上的是詹姆斯麦迪逊大学, then enrolled in the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program at bet8体育娱乐入口. “入学”这个词不太准确. Out of nearly 500 applicants, she was one of 42 students selected for a place in the class of 2024.

9月. 24, she took part in the annual "White Coat Ceremony" at the University Theatre, where the class of 2024 ceremoniously was presented with white coats by "big buddies,“担任导师的2023届毕业生.

Stephens' coat was placed on her shoulders by Charisse Castinado Potter.

在学生登台之前, they listened to an 18-minute presentation from Andy Wallach and his wife, 辛西娅Faschini. Wallach is a living, walking example of the miracles that licensed therapists can perform.

Wallach was driving an ATV in Aruba two years ago when he crashed into a telephone pole. Faschini broke a leg but Wallach broke one leg in three places, and his foot was connected to his leg only by a little skin and flesh. After months of treatment, doctors gave him a 50% chance of living a year. 和走路? No. Doctors said the 74-year-old man would be in a wheelchair the rest of his life.

"The first few months, I was really down,他说. "I thought maybe I should just get in my electric chair and drive off the sea wall."

但是大约一年前, 他开始在君主物理治疗中心接受治疗, ODU's clinic where students work side-by-side with licensed therapists.

Wallach has been treated by a dozen or so therapists, 包括瑞恩·亨特, but Maggie Cody has done the majority of work with him, 逼迫他超越自己的能力.

Andy Wallach is Walking Again Thanks to Monarch PT

He is walking with the help of a walker and has begun walking up steps. 最近, he began working out at the ODU Student 娱乐 Center and walked the entire length its 500-foot track with the help of Abby Sarmiento, ODU PT三年级学生.

“当我建议的时候, 我说, “让我们在两周内完成,但他说, 'No, 我今天就做,’”萨米恩托说. "He stopped a few times to rest, but he just wouldn't quit until he got around."

When ODU's new 健康 Sciences Building opens in 2023, Wallach plans to walk into the facility hand in hand with Faschini. They have given $2 million to create the Faschini Wallach Center for Restorative Therapies in the new building.

9月. 24 had already been a long day of therapy and exercise for him, but he insisted on walking to the podium and standing throughout his presentation.

"Since the event, my life has been better than before,他说. “我欣赏, my admiration and 爱 for my wife Cynthia is much greater than it was two years ago. 我和我的孩子更亲近了.

"I was in my twilight years, floating down the lazy river. 现在,我正在与激流搏斗,我要赢了. 满足感来自于成就感. 没有挑战,人就会萎缩."

观众大概有250名学生, family members and faculty were stone silent and some dabbed tears as he spoke, 尤其是当他谈到法希尼的时候, whose life for the first 18 months after the accident consisted entirely of caring for her husband.

"It was not easy for Andy to rise from his wheelchair, walk across the stage and stand with Cynthia as they 分享d their inspiring story,Lisa Koperna说, Monarch PT董事. "It was a milestone in Andy's recovery and a testament to the power of faith, 毅力, 爱, 医学和奇迹."

When Wallach and Faschini were done speaking, they drew more than 30 seconds of applause.

安迪康复的视频由 wvec电视台记者菲利普·汤森报道 然后被展示出来.

Koperna, Clinical Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences Beth Jamali and Dean of the 健康科学学院 Bonnie Van Lunen spoke to the students. 贾马利说了一些鼓舞人心的话, 说:“如果你热爱你所做的事情, 你一辈子都不用工作."

昌西·巴勒姆,威廉学院的一员 & 玛丽毕业生从凯拉拉莫伊那里收到了他的外套, said hearing Wallach and Faschini speak reaffirmed his decision to become a PT.

"I worked in a PT clinic as an aid for three years and I saw stories like that all the time,他说. "To listen to them, to hear their story, it was just so heartwarming. It just solidifies everything I wanted to go into PT for."


Monarch 健康 Trail Program Aims to Get People Moving

Three paths are being set up on campus, and three walks will be scheduled on two days each month. (更多)

Strome Students Mentor High Schoolers to Develop Entrepreneurial Solutions to 社区 Problems

The collaboration with Newport 网站登录 Public 学校 evolved over the past two years out of a social entrepreneurship course taught by Associate Dean Connie Merriman. (更多)

Princeton Review Names ODU One of Best 大学 in Southeast

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