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Need career and internship assistance? 安排约会 with the Strome College of Business Career Development Services staff. 一定要去看看 Careers4Monarchs for posting of jobs/internships and details of all career related events.

Career Development Documents

Steps to Getting an Internship

Graduate Internship/Co-Op Prerequisites

Graduate Learning Contract

Experimental Education Learning Contract


The Strome College of Business 会计学院 mantains two electronic mailing lists that provide opportunities for alumni and current students to connect and engage with the School. The student list is used to disseminate information related to accounting education, advising, 俱乐部活动, 还有工作机会. The alumni list is used to provide information about upcoming events sponsored by the 会计学院 or the Accounting 校友会. It is also used to post job opportunities and CPA Review Course information. No spam or junk mail will be sent to these list serve.

Current Student ListServ ►


The Department of Accounting prides itself on the two student organizations it sponsors.

α Psi is the national honors accounting fraternity. Membership is based on a student's accounting grade point average. 地方分会, Zeta Pi, offers on-campus professional programs, field trips to corporations, 服务项目, and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the faculty advisor, Mr. 兰迪·斯普里尔,在 757-683-6312 or rspurrie@hebhgkq.com.

MAAC俱乐部 (Management Accounting and Auditing Club) is open to any interested accounting student. The club offers professional programs under the sponsorship of the Institute of Management Accountants, the Institute of Internal Auditors, the Association of Government Accountants, 以及美国注册会计师协会. Students joining the group become members of these professional societies. There is no minimum GPA to join MAAC. Additional information can be obtained by contacting Dr. 道格拉斯·齐根弗斯 757-683-3514 or dziegenf@hebhgkq.com.

The Strome College of Business 会计学院 mantains two electronic mailing lists that provide opportunities for alumni and current students to connect and engage with the School. The student list is used to disseminate information related to accounting education, advising, 俱乐部活动, 还有工作机会. The alumni list is used to provide information about upcoming events sponsored by the 会计学院 or the Accounting 校友会. It is also used to post job opportunities and CPA Review Course information. No spam or junk mail will be sent to these list serve.

Current Student ListServ ►


The Department of Accounting prides itself on the two student organizations it sponsors.

α Psi is the national honors accounting fraternity. Membership is based on a student's accounting grade point average. 地方分会, Zeta Pi, offers on-campus professional programs, field trips to corporations, 服务项目, and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the faculty advisor, Mr. 兰迪·斯普里尔,在 757-683-6312 or rspurrie@hebhgkq.com.

MAAC俱乐部 (Management Accounting and Auditing Club) is open to any interested accounting student. The club offers professional programs under the sponsorship of the Institute of Management Accountants, the Institute of Internal Auditors, the Association of Government Accountants, 以及美国注册会计师协会. Students joining the group become members of these professional societies. There is no minimum GPA to join MAAC. Additional information can be obtained by contacting Dr. 道格拉斯·齐根弗斯 757-683-3514 or dziegenf@hebhgkq.com.
